About the New York State Comptroller's Office

Comptroller DiNapoli in the main office in Albany

Office of the State Comptroller

As New York’s chief fiscal officer, State Comptroller DiNapoli's responsibilities include:

  • Protecting taxpayer funds by uncovering waste, fraud and abuse.
  • Managing the State pension fund.
  • Administering the State retirement system.
  • Returning millions in unclaimed funds.
  • Providing independent fiscal oversight on State, New York City and local finances.
  • Providing technical assistance and training to local government officials and school districts.
  • Reviewing State contracts and payments, maintaining the State's accounting system and administering the State payroll.


Key Priorities

Managing the State Pension Fund

The New York State Common Retirement Fund is one of the best-managed, best-funded public pension plans in the nation. Learn more about the State's investment returns, climate action plan, Emerging Manager Program and efforts to hold corporate America accountable.

New York State Common Retirement Fund

Fighting Public Corruption

The State Comptroller's Office is fighting corruption at all levels of government, resulting in hundreds of arrests and tens of millions in restitution. If you suspect fraud, file a complaint online.

Report Fraud

Returning Lost Money

The State Comptroller’s Office is holding over $19 billion in unclaimed funds and returns over $1.5 million in lost money to its rightful owners every day. Check and see if you have lost money.

Office of Unclaimed Funds

Promoting Transparency

From Open Book New York to online tools tracking federal COVID relief funding, New Yorkers deserve to know how their tax dollars are spent. 

Open Book New York

Savings Programs for New Yorkers

New Yorkers have access to two savings vehicles:

  • The 529 College Savings Program helps individuals save for higher educational goals.
  • NY Achieving a Better Life Experience (NY ABLE) empowers New Yorkers with disabilities to save money without losing access to other benefits and services.

Savings Programs