New York State Budget Analysis and Financial Reporting
State Comptroller DiNapoli provides independent monitoring, oversight and analysis of the State's fiscal position. He regularly issues reports on budget and policy issues, economic trends, and financial reports.
Open Book New York
New Yorkers deserve to know how their tax dollars are spent. Open Book New York provides comprehensive financial data on State contracts, payments, spending and more.
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NY Full-Time Equivalent Employees Dashboard
The Office of the New York State Comptroller processes pay for employees of the State of New York. This dashboard provides quarterly data on the number of full-time equivalent (FTE) employees and their compensation by agency since 2014.

Impact of the Inflation Reduction Act on New York
Economic and Policy Insights
This report details New York’s financial impact from the energy and environmental portions of the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), including close to $2 billion in funds that could help lower costs during New York’s transition to clean energy. IRA programs represent a significant source of funding as the State pursues policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve resiliency. There is now significant uncertainty about whether this funding will continue after a new executive order issued by President Trump.
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Report on the State Fiscal Year 2025-26 Executive Budget
Federal Actions Could Lead to Cuts in Key Programs
This assessment of the proposed Executive Budget identifies risks and concerns that underscore the importance of taking action to address the trajectory of State spending and improve the State’s structural imbalance, while continuing to bolster the State’s rainy day reserves. After several years of benefitting from extraordinary pandemic relief funding, the federal-state relationship may be changing in ways that could result in cuts to key State programs, especially in health and social services. The need to strengthen the State’s fiscal position has never been greater.
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Lingering Challenges in the Child Care Sector
New York’s child care sector continues to face lingering challenges post-pandemic including child care deserts, low wages for child care workers and high prices that are putting a financial strain on families statewide. Yet even with high prices, many providers operate on thin margins, with financial and regulatory pressures that make expansion or even operating at capacity challenging. Vigorous federal support and additional State efforts are necessary to improve the availability of child care.
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New Yorkers in Need: Homelessness in New York State
Economic and Policy Insights
Homelessness in New York State has grown sharply, more than doubling between January 2022 and January 2024. A key reason for the increase has been the mass arrival of asylum seekers to New York in this period. While the homelessness increase was driven mostly by New York City, the rest of the State’s regions also experienced increases during this time period.
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The Critical Role of Nonprofits in New York
Number of Nonprofits, Jobs Have Declined
Nonprofit organizations in 2022 provided 1.3 million jobs to New Yorkers, just over 1 in 6 private sector jobs in the State. However, nonprofits in New York have been shrinking since 2017, both in number of establishments and in number of jobs, while expanding in the rest of the nation. This report analyzes the most recent employment and wage data released by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics for charitable organizations identified as 501(c)(3)s for the period 2017 through 2022, the latest data available.
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New York’s Social Insurance Programs
Benchmarking Benefits
The benefits from four major social insurance programs provide crucial financial support during difficult times in the lives of hundreds of thousands New York workers and their families each year. This report analyzes benefits provided for representative workers under unemployment insurance, workers’ compensation, temporary disability insurance and paid family leave.
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A Profile of Agriculture in New York State
Farming in New York plays a critical role, both as an economic engine for communities and as an essential part of our food supply system. This report provides a comprehensive breakdown of farming across upstate New York, Long Island and New York City, including an analysis of State programs and tax benefits for farmers.
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