We understand that balancing your role as a local government official with your home and work lives is not an easy task and that finding time in your schedule for essential training to enhance your fiscal oversight responsibilities can be difficult.
For that reason, OSC’s Local Official Training Unit offers seminars for municipal and school district governing boards and other local officials and employees. These training sessions take place in a single day and generally incorporate 2-3 different topics. See below for more information on how to request training near you.
The Office of the State Comptroller is available to present in-person training sessions to local government and district officials across the state.
If you are interested in hosting a training, we ask you compile the following information:
- Date and time of training to be held.
- Location
- Approximate number of officials or employees attending. (Minimum of 20 people)
- Topic(s) for training. (See our webinar page for previously held training topics)
- Any other pertinent information.
The training request can be submitted using our online form found here.
Please note: We try to accommodate most requests but cannot guarantee all.
If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected].