Audits of Local Governments

The Office of the New York State Comptroller’s Division of Local Government and School Accountability conducts performance audits of local governments and school districts. Performance audits provide findings or conclusions based on an evaluation of evidence against criteria. Local officials use audit findings to improve program performance and operations, reduce costs and contribute to public accountability.

For audits older than 2013, contact us at [email protected].

For audits of State and NYC agencies and public authorities, see Audits.


Status message

3785 Audits Found

Town | Other

July 21, 2023 –

Although the District's health insurance buyout program is generally cost-effective, the District could achieve greater savings by modifying the terms of the program.

School District | Employee Benefits

July 21, 2023 –

Although overtime was properly approved, District officials did not monitor overtime or ensure it was accurate. As a result, overtime payments increase the amount owed by a district, annually to the State, for its share of the cost of future employee retirement benefits.

School District | Employee Benefits

July 21, 2023 –

District officials did not always comply with statutory requirements and the District's procurement policy by seeking competition for the purchases of goods and services. As a result, they are unable to assure taxpayers that the District is procuring goods and services in the most prudent and economical manner.

Town | Purchasing

July 21, 2023 –

The Board did not enforce the provisions of the Town's procurement policy. As a result, Town officials did not seek competition when procuring goods and services totaling $561,829 or 48 percent of the purchases reviewed.

City | Cash Receipts, Inventories

July 21, 2023 –

The Recreation Director maintained limited and inadequate collection records and staff did not issue receipts for collections or maintain inventory records for the beverage events. As a result, there is a substantial risk that not all collections were remitted to the Treasurer's office.

School District | Information Technology

July 21, 2023 –

District officials did not help safeguard personal, private and sensitive information (PPSI) by developing and communicating a comprehensive acceptable use policy to business office staff. As a result, PPSI related to District employees and finances could be exposed because some websites may be malicious or contain code to compromise a user's computer or prompt the user to perform activities that may result in malware infection or PPSI exposure. In addition to sensitive information technology (IT) weaknesses that were communicated confidentially to officials.

Town | Employee Benefits

July 21, 2023 –

The Supervisor did not ensure payroll payments were accurate or in accordance with Town policies.

School District | Other

July 14, 2023 –

Although the District's health insurance buyout program is generally cost-effective, the District could achieve greater savings by modifying the terms of the program.

School District | Other

July 14, 2023 –

We conducted an audit of the East Ramapo Central School District (District) to assess textbooks loaned to nonpublic school students. As a result of our audit, we issued a report, dated August 2020, identifying certain conditions and opportunities for the school district management's review and consideration. Our audit included recommendations for the following findings: verification of the eligibility of nonpublic school students receiving textbooks and accounting for textbooks purchased and loaned to nonpublic school students. To further our policy of providing assistance to school districts, we revisited the school district in May/June 2022 to review progress in implementing our recommendations. Our follow-up review was limited to interviews with the school district personnel and inspection of certain documents related to the issues identified in our report. Although the District's Corrective Action Plan that was filed with our office indicated the District took corrective action on or before July 2020, we found that of the six audit recommendations, one recommendation was implemented, two recommendations were partially implemented, and three recommendations were not implemented.

County, Court and Trust | Other

July 14, 2023 –

The purpose of our review was to determine whether County officials have established appropriate controls to safeguard and account for court and trust funds for the period January 1, 2020 through May 31, 2023.

Village | Financial Condition

July 14, 2023 –

The Board and Village officials did not develop a budget for the electric fund and adequately manage its financial condition.

School District | Other

July 14, 2023 –

We conducted an audit of the East Ramapo Central School District (District) to assess nonpublic school transportation. As a result of our audit, we issued a report in November 2019 identifying certain conditions and opportunities for the District management's review and consideration. Our audit included recommendations for the following findings: documentation to prove eligibility for providing transportation to nonpublic students and verification of the actual number of students instead of using estimates. To further our policy of providing assistance to school districts, we revisited the District in May/June 2022 to review progress in implementing our recommendations. Our follow-up review was limited to interviews with District personnel and inspection of certain documents related to the issues identified in our report. Although the District's Corrective Action Plan that was filed with our office indicated the District took corrective action on or before June 30, 2019 for seven of the eight audit recommendations, we found officials did not take corrective actions. Of the eight audit recommendations, six recommendations were not implemented and the status of two recommendations could not be determined.

Town | Records and Reports

July 14, 2023 –

The former Supervisor did not maintain the Town's accounting records and reports in a complete, accurate and up-to-date manner. As a result, the Town Board's (Board) ability to monitor the Town's financial operations was compromised, resulting in diminished transparency of the Town's financial operations.

School District | Information Technology

July 14, 2023 –

District officials did not establish adequate controls over nonstudent network user accounts to help prevent unauthorized use, access and loss. In addition to sensitive information technology (IT) control weaknesses that were communicated confidentially to officials.

Fire District | Financial Condition

July 7, 2023 –

The Board did not effectively manage fund balance or ensure that the Treasurer provided adequate and accurate financial reports. As a result, the Board was not transparent with taxpayers and levied more taxes than needed to fund operations.

City | Other

July 7, 2023 –

The purpose of our budget review was to identify issues which impact the City of Yonkers' financial condition in the current and future years.

Town | Claims Auditing

July 7, 2023 –

The Board did not properly audit claims prior to approving them for payment. As a result, the risk is increased that claims could have been paid for inappropriate purposes.

School District | Purchasing

July 7, 2023 –

District officials did not seek competition for most professional services in accordance with District policy.

School District | Employee Benefits

June 30, 2023 –

Employee compensation payments were not always accurate, approved or supported. District officials did not ensure the pay rates were accurate or overtime was approved and supported. Therefore, payroll errors went undetected and resulted in unnecessary and erroneous payroll payments.

Town | Records and Reports

June 30, 2023 –

The Supervisor did not maintain complete, accurate and timely accounting records, and inadequate financial reports were provided to the Board. As a result, the Board lacked reliable records and reports to manage the Town's financial operations.