Audits of Local Governments

The Office of the New York State Comptroller’s Division of Local Government and School Accountability conducts performance audits of local governments and school districts. Performance audits provide findings or conclusions based on an evaluation of evidence against criteria. Local officials use audit findings to improve program performance and operations, reduce costs and contribute to public accountability.

For audits older than 2013, contact us at [email protected].

For audits of State and NYC agencies and public authorities, see Audits.


Status message

3688 Audits Found

School District | Employee Benefits

April 1, 2022 –

District officials did not accurately calculate separation payments or benefits for five of the 10 employees that we reviewed. Officials made separation payments totaling $38,477 that were inconsistent with language in the employees' CBA or employment contract.

School District | Financial Condition

April 1, 2022 –

The Board and District officials did not properly manage fund balance and reserves.

School District | Schools

April 1, 2022 –

Officials did not establish non-resident tuition (NRT) rates in the best interest of District taxpayers.

Town | Utilities

April 1, 2022 –

Town officials did not provide adequate oversight of water fund operations.

School District | Other

April 1, 2022 –

We found that the significant revenue and expenditure projections in the proposed budget are reasonable. The District's proposed budget complies with the tax levy limit because it includes a tax levy of $23,105,027, which is within the limits established by law. This budget review did not have any recommendations.

Town | Clerks, Other

April 1, 2022 –

The Clerk did not record, deposit, remit or report all collections in a timely manner. As a result, the Town's collections were at a greater risk of being lost or misappropriated.

School District | Schools

April 1, 2022 –

Extra-classroom activity (ECA) funds were not properly collected, recorded, remitted, deposited, disbursed and reconciled. The District did not have proper procedures or a faculty auditor.

Town | Information Technology

April 1, 2022 –

Town officials did not ensure IT systems were adequately secured and protected against unauthorized use, access and loss.

School District | Purchasing

March 25, 2022 –

District officials did not always use a competitive process to procure goods and services to achieve the optimal use of District resources.

School District | Other

March 25, 2022 –

Although District officials maintain a website, certain financial information was either not posted or comprehensive, resulting in a lack of transparency. This limits the community and other interested parties from readily accessing and reviewing documents to make informed decisions.

Local Development Corporation | Other

March 25, 2022 –

Corporation officials did not award all funds from the Program in accordance with established guidelines and did not ensure businesses complied with their agreements.

Town | Records and Reports

March 18, 2022 –

The Supervisor did not maintain the Town's accounting records and reports in a complete, accurate, up-to-date or timely manner.

Town | Other, Clerks

March 18, 2022 –

The Clerk did not adequately perform her financial duties.

School District | Information Technology

March 18, 2022 –

District officials did not establish adequate IT controls over physical IT assets and non-student user account access to the District's network.

School District | Information Technology

March 18, 2022 –

The Board and District officials did not ensure computerized data was safeguarded.

School District | Financial Condition

March 11, 2022 –

The Board and District officials did not adopt realistic budgets and did not properly manage fund balance and reserves.

School District | Information Technology

March 11, 2022 –

District officials did not adequately manage and monitor network user accounts.

Fire District | Claims Auditing

March 11, 2022 –

District officials did not comply with the District's credit card use policy.

School District | Schools

March 11, 2022 –

ECA and scholarship funds were not properly accounted for and appropriately used. A lack of adequate oversight, segregation of duties and lack of written policies and procedures for scholarship funds allowed the former Central Treasurer (Treasurer) to use funds donated for scholarships and funds collected from other revenue sources to conceal misappropriated and missing money.

Fire District | Cash Disbursements

March 11, 2022 –

The Board did not audit District claims properly.