Audits of Local Governments

The Office of the New York State Comptroller’s Division of Local Government and School Accountability conducts performance audits of local governments and school districts. Performance audits provide findings or conclusions based on an evaluation of evidence against criteria. Local officials use audit findings to improve program performance and operations, reduce costs and contribute to public accountability.

For audits older than 2013, contact us at [email protected].

For audits of State and NYC agencies and public authorities, see Audits.


Status message

3688 Audits Found

Fire District | General Oversight

January 21, 2022 –

The Board did not provide adequate oversight of the Treasurer's fiscal duties and could not explain why the bank balances presented on the Treasurer's reports for three consecutive months contained discrepancies totaling $2.96 million.

Town | Cash Receipts

January 21, 2022 –

The former Receiver, who resigned during our audit, did not properly bill, collect or disburse taxes, fees and penalties.

County, Industrial Development Agency, Local Development Corporation | Cash Disbursements

January 21, 2022 –

Although the tested disbursements were for valid purposes, LDC officials did not always ensure they were properly authorized and supported.

School District | Purchasing

January 14, 2022 –

District officials did not always comply with the District's procurement policy and seek competition for the purchase of goods and services not subject to competitive bidding.

School District | Information Technology

January 14, 2022 –

District officials did not ensure IT systems were adequately secured and protected against unauthorized use, access and loss. Officials did not adopt a password security policy or manage the use of administrative accounts. As a result, the District has an increased risk of unauthorized use or access that could result in important data loss and a serious interruption in operations.

School District | Employee Benefits

January 14, 2022 –

District officials developed a process to account for leave accruals and a system over payments for unused leave accruals that includes documentation of eligibility and reviews of calculations.

School District | Information Technology

January 14, 2022 –

District officials did not adequately secure and protect the District's IT systems against unauthorized use, access and loss.

School District | Other

January 14, 2022 –

District officials did not develop a process to routinely evaluate the overall efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the transportation department's operations.

School District | Purchasing

January 7, 2022 –

District officials did not adequately manage fuel purchases by seeking competition and did not audit fuel claims, as required.

Town | Capital Projects

January 7, 2022 –

The Board was not fully transparent in planning and could have improved its monitoring of the Project. As a result, total costs to complete the highway garage exceeded the maximum estimated costs by $372,318.

School District | Information Technology

January 7, 2022 –

Although District officials restricted access to the student information application, they did not adequately secure access to the network and financial application.

Fire District | Claims Auditing, Purchasing

December 29, 2021 –

District officials did not always use a competitive process to procure goods and services or ensure claims were properly supported or for valid purposes.

Fire Company or Department | Records and Reports

December 29, 2021 –

The Board did not provide adequate oversight of financial operations and cannot be assured all money raised was properly accounted for and deposited.

Fire District | Claims Auditing, Purchasing, Records and Reports

December 29, 2021 –

The Board did not ensure all disbursements complied with the procurement policy and claims were for a proper District purpose or adequately supported. Additionally, the Board did not provide adequate oversight to ensure the required AUDs were filed timely.

Justice Court, Village | Justice Court

December 29, 2021 –

The Justices did not ensure all fines and fees were properly collected, recorded, deposited, reported and remitted in a timely and accurate manner.

Fire Company or Department | General Oversight

December 22, 2021 –

Department officials did not ensure that financial activity was properly recorded and supported, and that money was safeguarded.

School District | Medicaid

December 22, 2021 –

The District did not maximize Medicaid reimbursements by submitting claims for all eligible Medicaid services provided.

School District | Inventories

December 22, 2021 –

District officials did not properly monitor and account for 70 percent of the 60 fixed assets we examined, including computers, musical instruments and science equipment.

Local Development Corporation | Revenues, Cash Disbursements, Other

December 22, 2021 –

The TFLDC was formed to provide funding for and facilitate the construction of a wastewater treatment plant. We found collections and disbursements were generally in accordance with the sewer agreements, and the Board adhered to its bylaws.

Local Development Corporation | Other

December 22, 2021 –

Corporation officials did not provide adequate oversight of the revolving loan program. For the 15 active loans