Audits of Local Governments

The Office of the New York State Comptroller’s Division of Local Government and School Accountability conducts performance audits of local governments and school districts. Performance audits provide findings or conclusions based on an evaluation of evidence against criteria. Local officials use audit findings to improve program performance and operations, reduce costs and contribute to public accountability.

For audits older than 2013, contact us at [email protected].

For audits of State and NYC agencies and public authorities, see Audits.


Status message

3688 Audits Found

County, Statewide Audit | Other

December 14, 2021 –

We audited County Probation Departments' enforcement and disbursement of restitution payments for the following 13 counties: Chenango, Erie, Franklin, Jefferson, Orange, Putnam, Rensselaer, Saratoga, Seneca, Suffolk, Ulster, Wayne and Wyoming. Department officials must do more to ensure victims receive court ordered restitution.

County, Statewide Audit | Other

December 14, 2021 –

We audited County Probation Departments' enforcement and disbursement of restitution payments for the following 13 counties: Chenango, Erie, Franklin, Jefferson, Orange, Putnam, Rensselaer, Saratoga, Seneca, Suffolk, Ulster, Wayne and Wyoming. Department officials must do more to ensure victims receive court ordered restitution.

Justice Court | Justice Court

December 10, 2021 –

The Town Justices (Justices) properly accounted for, reported and disbursed the fines and fees that we reviewed.

School District | Employee Benefits

December 10, 2021 –

District officials accurately compensated the 63 employees we tested.

Court and Trust | Other

December 10, 2021 –

County officials did not establish appropriate controls to safeguard and account for court and trust funds.

School District | Other

December 10, 2021 –

The Board and District officials properly established reserve funds. However, they did not properly use or maintain all reserve funds at appropriate levels.

School District | Medicaid

December 10, 2021 –

The District did not maximize Medicaid reimbursements by claiming all eligible Medicaid services provided.

School District | Financial Condition

December 10, 2021 –

The Board did not appropriately manage the District's fund balance, overstated budgeted appropriations and improperly backdated encumbrances. The Board also improperly established and funded reserve accounts.

School District | Purchasing

December 10, 2021 –

District officials did not always procure goods and services in accordance with Board policies and applicable statutory requirements.

School District | Employee Benefits

December 10, 2021 –

Our audit found that District officials accurately paid $3.1 million in salaries and wages to the 48 employees we tested, in accordance with Board authorizations. However, there are opportunities for District officials to strengthen internal controls over payroll.

School District | Information Technology

December 3, 2021 –

District officials did not ensure that the District's network access controls over non-student user accounts were secure.

School District | Information Technology

December 3, 2021 –

Officials did not establish adequate controls over the District's user accounts to protect against unauthorized use, access, and loss.

School District | Other

December 3, 2021 –

Officials did not develop comprehensive written multiyear financial or capital plans. While officials have some information needed to develop the plans, additional information and analysis is needed.

School District | Information Technology

December 3, 2021 –

District officials did not adequately manage network user accounts or develop an IT contingency plan that details how District officials would respond to IT disruptions.

Town | Records and Reports

December 3, 2021 –

The Supervisor did not adequately perform his financial duties.

School District | Purchasing, Claims Auditing

December 3, 2021 –

District officials did not always procure goods and services in a cost-effective manner or ensure claims were audited for accuracy and completeness.

School District | Other

December 3, 2021 –

While out-of-district tuition billings totaling $459,000 we examined were accurately calculated and ultimately supported, 54 of the 55 claims we reviewed were paid even though they were not properly supported at the time the claims were audited and approved for payment.

Town | General Oversight

November 24, 2021 –

The Board did not provide adequate oversight of financial operations, which allowed the former Town Supervisor (Supervisor) to misappropriate Town funds.

Village | Clerks

November 24, 2021 –

This audit contains similar findings and recommendations to our 2012 audit of the Village. The same Clerk-Treasurer was in office for both audits.

Town | Cash Receipts

November 24, 2021 –

Golf course collections were not properly recorded in the form collected, remitted to the bookkeeper in a timely manner or deposited timely.