Audits of Local Governments

The Office of the New York State Comptroller’s Division of Local Government and School Accountability conducts performance audits of local governments and school districts. Performance audits provide findings or conclusions based on an evaluation of evidence against criteria. Local officials use audit findings to improve program performance and operations, reduce costs and contribute to public accountability.

For audits older than 2013, contact us at [email protected].

For audits of State and NYC agencies and public authorities, see Audits.


Status message

3688 Audits Found

City | Other

November 4, 2021 –

Based on the results of our review, we found that the significant revenue and expenditure projections in the 2022 proposed budget are reasonable. However, we identified certain revenue and expenditure projections that should be reviewed by the Mayor and Council.

School District | Information Technology

October 29, 2021 –

District officials did not ensure network user accounts were adequately configured and secured. In addition to sensitive information technology (IT) control weaknesses which we communicated confidentially to officials.

Fire District | Financial Condition

October 29, 2021 –

The Board did not effectively manage the District’s financial condition and did not adopt realistic budgets from 2018 through 2021.

School District | Purchasing

October 22, 2021 –

The Board did not ensure that purchases were adequately documented and approved to verify that a competitive process was used to procure goods and services and ensure the optimal use of resources.

School District | Cash Receipts

October 22, 2021 –

The real property tax collections and retiree health insurance contributions we reviewed were properly collected, recorded and deposited. However, District officials did not adequately segregate the duties of or establish adequate compensating controls over a senior account clerk/tax collector (clerk) who is responsible for receiving, recording, depositing and reporting all money collected for real property taxes and retiree health insurance contributions.

School District | Other

October 15, 2021 –

We issued a report in August 2016, identifying certain conditions and opportunities related to financial condition for the District management's review and consideration. Our audit included recommendations for the following findings: budgeting, appropriated fund balance and reserves, compensated absences liability, unused flex spending money, unrestricted fund balance, reserve policy, excess reserves and the debt service fund reserve. We revisited the District in June 2021 to review the progress in implementing our recommendations. Our follow-up review was limited to interviews with District personnel and inspection of certain documents related to the issues identified in our report. Based on our limited procedures, it appears that the District has made progress implementing corrective action. Of the eight audit recommendations, two recommendations were implemented, five recommendations were partially implemented and one recommendation was not implemented.

School District | Purchasing

October 15, 2021 –

District officials did not always seek competition or comply with the District's procurement policy when procuring professional services. As a result, taxpayers have little assurance that procurements are made in the most prudent and economical manner.

School District | Schools

October 8, 2021 –

District officials did not properly collect, receipt, deposit and disburse extra-classroom activity (ECA) funds.

School District | Information Technology

October 8, 2021 –

District officials Did not adequately manage network user accounts. We identified 66 unneeded user accounts including 52 generic accounts and 14 former employees' accounts. District officials adequately managed network administrative permissions. Sensitive information technology (IT) control weaknesses were communicated confidentially to officials.

Fire Company or Department | Cash Disbursements, Cash Receipts

October 8, 2021 –

The Board did not fulfill its fiduciary responsibilities to ensure money was adequately safeguarded and accounted for and Company officials did not establish adequate controls over collections and disbursements. As a result, neither the Company nor we were able to confirm all money was properly deposited, disbursed and accounted for.

Fire District | Financial Condition

October 1, 2021 –

The Board did not provide adequate oversight of the District's financial operations and exceeded its authority by passing a resolution that allowed the Treasurer to pay all recurring expenditures without the Board's prior review or approval.

School District | Capital Projects

October 1, 2021 –

Officials did not properly or transparently use capital project resources. As a result, voters were not afforded the opportunity to ratify or reject the Board's decisions or have assurance that officials obtained services at the best cost.

School District | Purchasing

October 1, 2021 –

District officials did not always seek competition to procure goods and services not subject to competitive bidding requirements. As a result, goods and services may not have been procured in a manner that ensured the economical use of public funds.

Town | Clerks

September 24, 2021 –

The Clerk generally recorded, remitted and reported collections accurately and in a timely manner. Collections were deposited accurately but the Clerk did not always make deposits in a timely manner.

Town | Records and Reports

September 24, 2021 –

The Supervisor did not adequately perform his financial duties and cannot provide support for almost $1.6 million in interfund loans. Although interfund loans must be repaid by the close of each fiscal year, interfund loans have grown from $246,280 in 2015 to almost $1.6 million as of December 31, 2019.

Town | Financial Condition

September 24, 2021 –

The Board did not properly manage the Town's financial condition and did not adopt realistic budgets.

Off-Track Betting | Other

September 23, 2021 –

The Board did not distribute Program tickets in accordance with the New York State Gaming Commison's (Commission) Regulations and Guidelines

Off-Track Betting | Other

September 23, 2021 –

The Board did not provide adequate oversight of take-home vehicles.

School District | Medicaid

September 17, 2021 –

The District did not maximize Medicaid reimbursements by submitting claims for all eligible Medicaid services provided.

Town | General Oversight

September 17, 2021 –

The Board did not provide adequate oversight of financial operations and exceeded its authority under New York State Town Law (Town Law) by authorizing the Supervisor to pay all expenditures without prior audit.