Audits of Local Governments

The Office of the New York State Comptroller’s Division of Local Government and School Accountability conducts performance audits of local governments and school districts. Performance audits provide findings or conclusions based on an evaluation of evidence against criteria. Local officials use audit findings to improve program performance and operations, reduce costs and contribute to public accountability.

For audits older than 2013, contact us at [email protected].

For audits of State and NYC agencies and public authorities, see Audits.


Status message

3688 Audits Found

Fire District | Financial Condition

September 17, 2021 –

The Board was not transparent when funding and purchasing fire apparatus, levied more taxes than necessary to finance annual operations and the Board's actions hindered taxpayers' ability to make informed decisions.

Local Development Corporation, Town | Other

September 10, 2021 –

While the Board properly approved and monitored projects in accordance with standard project procedures, it did not set clear and specific goals when approving projects.

Town | Employee Benefits

September 10, 2021 –

Town officials did not ensure compensatory (comp) time hours were accurately accrued and accounted for. As a result, officials do not have adequate assurance that all comp time is appropriately earned, accurately recorded and properly monitored.

Industrial Development Agency | Other

September 10, 2021 –

The Board did not properly approve or monitor its projects.

Industrial Development Agency | Other

September 10, 2021 –

The Board did not properly approve and monitor projects.

School District | Information Technology

September 3, 2021 –

District officials did not ensure that the District's network access controls were secure.

School District | Financial Condition

September 3, 2021 –

The Board and District officials did not effectively manage the District's financial condition. As a result, more taxes were levied than were needed to fund operations.

Village | Claims Auditing

September 3, 2021 –

The Board did not properly audit claims prior to payment or ensure written quotes were obtained as required.

Town | Financial Condition

September 3, 2021 –

The Board did not effectively manage the Town's financial condition. As a result, it levied more taxes than necessary to sustain operations.

School District | Medicaid

August 27, 2021 –

The District did not maximize Medicaid reimbursements by claiming for all eligible Medicaid services provided.

City | Employee Benefits

August 27, 2021 –

Two OSC audits issued in 2010 found NC employees received benefits inconsistent with Council approvals. Most of the prior control weaknesses remain and the Council still has not established specific leave benefits of NC employees. As a result, we found inaccuracies in NC employees' accrued leave and leave payments made.

Justice Court | Justice Court

August 27, 2021 –

The Justice accurately recorded, deposited, disbursed and reported fines and fees in a timely manner. However, the Justice did not ensure computerized case records were updated in an accurate and timely manner or that all disposed of (closed) cases were properly reported to appropriate State agencies.

School District | Information Technology

August 20, 2021 –

Officials did not establish adequate controls over the District's user accounts to prevent unauthorized use, access and loss.

School District | Medicaid

August 20, 2021 –

The District did not claim any Medicaid reimbursements to which it was entitled.

Town | Other

August 20, 2021 –

The Town's bookkeeper maintained adequate records and the accounting records we reviewed were accurate and complete but the Supervisor did not prepare and submit appropriate reports or provide sufficient oversight of the bookkeeper.

School District | Information Technology

August 20, 2021 –

District officials did not establish adequate internal controls to safeguard the District's user accounts.

School District | Employee Benefits

August 13, 2021 –

While the District's payroll payments were paid at accurate rates, payroll payments were not always properly supported and approved, and leave time accruals were not always accurate. Further, District officials did not properly monitor the payroll and leave accrual process and they have not developed any payroll policies or procedures.

Town | Financial Condition, Purchasing

August 13, 2021 –

The Board did not effectively manage fund balance and reserve levels, establish multiyear plans or ensure the proper procurement of professional services and playground equipment.

School District | Financial Condition

August 13, 2021 –

The Board and District officials did not properly manage fund balance in accordance with statute.

Town | Clerks, Other

August 13, 2021 –

Although the Clerk recorded, deposited, remitted and reported all tax collections, she did not always record dates of receipts or deposit or remit payments timely.