Audits of Local Governments

The Office of the New York State Comptroller’s Division of Local Government and School Accountability conducts performance audits of local governments and school districts. Performance audits provide findings or conclusions based on an evaluation of evidence against criteria. Local officials use audit findings to improve program performance and operations, reduce costs and contribute to public accountability.

For audits older than 2013, contact us at [email protected].

For audits of State and NYC agencies and public authorities, see Audits.


Status message

3688 Audits Found

School District | Information Technology

July 9, 2021 –

District officials did not implement adequate IT controls over the District Office's network to safeguard personal, private and sensitive information (PPSI).

School District | Information Technology

July 2, 2021 –

The Board and District officials did not ensure the IT assets and data were safeguarded.

Local Development Corporation | Financial Condition

July 2, 2021 –

The Board did not effectively manage fund balance.

Fire District | General Oversight

July 2, 2021 –

The Board did not establish adequate controls over District financial activities to safeguard assets.

City | Other

July 2, 2021 –

The Office of the State Comptroller, as Fiscal Agent for the City of Yonkers (City), determined that the City's adopted budget for fiscal year 2021-22 and the related justification documents are in material compliance with the requirements of the Fiscal Agent Act (Chapter 488 of the Laws of 1976, as amended) (Act) and the City's bond covenants incorporating provisions of the Act. However, we wish to comment on the following issues which impact the City's financial condition in the current and future years.

Town | Clerks

July 2, 2021 –

The Clerk properly recorded all the fees we reviewed and remitted all fees collected during the audit period in a timely manner. However, the Clerk did not always deposit fees within the required time frame.

Town | Financial Condition

June 25, 2021 –

The Board did not effectively manage the Town's financial condition and was unaware of the Town's true financial position when it adopted budgets because it did not receive accurate financial information from the Town Supervisor.

School District | Information Technology

June 25, 2021 –

District officials did not ensure that the District's network access controls were secure.

Town | Information Technology

June 25, 2021 –

Town officials did not adequately safeguard Town IT assets and failed to implement the recommendations we made in 2013 to adopt comprehensive IT security policies and monitor computer use.

City | Financial Condition

June 25, 2021 –

The Council and City officials did not adopt structurally balanced budgets, properly monitor the City's financial operations or take appropriate actions to maintain the City's fiscal stability. As a result, the City has significant fiscal stress.

School District | Records and Reports

June 25, 2021 –

District officials did not maintain complete, accurate and timely accounting records and reports to allow officials to effectively manage financial operations and capital projects, and Board oversight was lacking.

Town | Financial Condition

June 25, 2021 –

The Board generally developed realistic budgets. However, the budgets were not structurally balanced

School District | Information Technology

June 18, 2021 –

The Board and District officials did not ensure IT systems were adequately secured and protected.

School District | Information Technology

June 18, 2021 –

District officials did not adequately secure access to the network and information systems.

School District | Medicaid

June 18, 2021 –

The District did not maximize Medicaid reimbursements by submitting claims for all eligible Medicaid services provided.

Fire District | Financial Condition

June 18, 2021 –

The Board did not provide adequate oversight to ensure that financial activities were properly recorded and reported, and did not properly manage fund balance.

Town | Purchasing

June 18, 2021 –

Town officials did not always use a competitive process to procure goods and services.

School District | Claims Auditing

June 11, 2021 –

The Board ensured the claims we reviewed were adequately documented, for appropriate purposes and properly audited and approved prior to payment.

Town | Financial Condition

June 11, 2021 –

The Board did not effectively manage the Town's financial condition, did not have a clear understanding of the laws governing the finances of the general fund tax bases and does not have an understanding of the finances for the closed landfill.

School District | Purchasing

June 11, 2021 –

District officials did not always seek competition for services.