Audits of Local Governments

The Office of the New York State Comptroller’s Division of Local Government and School Accountability conducts performance audits of local governments and school districts. Performance audits provide findings or conclusions based on an evaluation of evidence against criteria. Local officials use audit findings to improve program performance and operations, reduce costs and contribute to public accountability.

For audits older than 2013, contact us at [email protected].

For audits of State and NYC agencies and public authorities, see Audits.


Status message

3830 Audits Found

School District | Financial Condition

May 1, 2020 –

The Board and District officials need to improve budgeting practices.

Town | Information Technology

May 1, 2020 –

The Board did not adopt long-term plans or adequately safeguard the Town's IT assets.

School District | Information Technology

May 1, 2020 –

District officials did not adequately safeguard online banking transactions.

School District | Financial Condition

May 1, 2020 –

The District's financial condition has significantly declined and the Board did not adopt a multiyear financial plan.

Fire District | General Oversight

May 1, 2020 –

In most respects, District officials established adequate controls to safeguard assets.

School District | Financial Condition

April 24, 2020 –

The Board did not appropriately manage the District's fund balance or ensure that reserve funds were properly established and reasonably funded.

Court and Trust | Other

April 24, 2020 –

The purpose of our review was to determine whether County officials have established appropriate controls to safeguard and account for court and trust funds for the period January 1, 2017 through February 11, 2020.

Town | Financial Condition

April 24, 2020 –

The Board adopted unrealistic budget estimates and did not effectively monitor fund balance.

School District | Financial Condition

April 21, 2020 –

The Board and District officials did not develop and adopt a structurally balanced budget for the 2018-19 fiscal year.

School District | Financial Condition

April 17, 2020 –

District officials need to improve their budgeting practices to more effectively manage the general fund balance and reserve funds.

Village | Clerks

April 17, 2020 –

The Board did not adequately oversee the Treasurer's work or require annual audits of the Treasurer's records and reports.

Village | Utilities

April 17, 2020 –

The Village lacked effective procedures to ensure water and sewer charges were accurately billed, collected and enforced.

Village | Other

April 17, 2020 –

Significant revenue and expenditure projections in the tentative budget are reasonable. We estimate the 2020-21 water and sewer collections will be approximately $4.3 million, which is approximately $190,000 less than budgeted for water revenues and approximately $290,000 less than budgeted for sewer revenues. The Village's tentative budget includes a tax levy of $12,426,613 which is $471,753 above the limit established by law.

Village | Revenues

April 17, 2020 –

The Board did not develop and manage a comprehensive investment program to ensure interest earnings were maximized.

School District | Financial Condition

April 10, 2020 –

The Board and District officials need to improve their budgeting practices to more effectively manage the general fund balance and reserve funds.

Fire Company or Department | Cash Disbursements

April 10, 2020 –

The Board of Directors did not provide proper oversight of the use of grant funds and credit cards.

Town | Clerks, Claims Auditing

April 3, 2020 –

The Town Clerk (Clerk) did not record, deposit, remit and report collections in a timely and accurate manner and the Board did not ensure that Town credit cards were used for appropriate purposes.

School District | Employee Benefits

April 3, 2020 –

District officials accurately allocated personnel costs between District and State grant activities.

Town | Purchasing

April 3, 2020 –

Town officials did not always competitively procure goods and services.

Town | Clerks, Other

March 27, 2020 –

The Town Clerk did not remit collections or always deposit collections in a timely manner. Taxes collected were remitted bi-weekly to the Supervisor in January of both years instead of weekly resulting in $550,050 in 2018 and $693,826 in 2019 being remitted to the Supervisor in an untimely manner. $100,000 in 2018 and $100,000 in 2019 was remitted untimely to the Treasurer. The Clerk deposited 21 tax payments totaling $351,529 in 2018 from two to 18 days after receipt instead of within 24 hours. In four instances totaling $1,763 in 2018 and one instance totaling $326 in 2019 the Clerk did not deposit Clerk fees within the required time frame.