NY Full-Time Equivalent Employees Dashboard

NY Full-Time Equivalent Employees Dashboard

The Office of the New York State Comptroller processes pay for employees of the State of New York. This dashboard provides quarterly data on the number of full-time equivalent (FTE) employees and their compensation by agency since 2014. 

Source: Office of the New York State Comptroller Payroll System

About the Dashboard

FTEs reflect the total of salaried and hourly employees that are active or on leave with pay during a representative pay period, such that part-time employees are counted based on the number of hours worked. For example, one full-time position is equal to one FTE; two people serving in separate positions each at 50 percent time would also equal one FTE. These figures are based on regular hours worked and do not include overtime; they are also different from other presentations of the workforce that indicate the number of employees in State service. Historical trends reflect regular seasonal variation in the number of FTEs and compensation at agencies. Compensation reflects gross earnings during a representative pay period, or all earnings excluding overtime, retroactive pay, lump sum payments, adjustments and certain other earnings. Gross earnings are prior to reduction from required taxes and deductions. Fringe benefits, such as health insurance, are excluded. During this period, there were shifts in agency responsibilities that affected the number of FTEs and compensation. See data download for more information.