New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli announced today the following audits have been issued:
Department of Agriculture and Markets: Annual Assessment of Market Orders for 2012, 2013, and 2014 (2014-S-58)
The department has adequate procedures in place to ensure that it accurately reports its assessable expenses in all material aspects. However, the department needs to improve its oversight of its Market Order Program, particularly its Apple Market Order, which is administered pursuant to a contract with the New York Apple Association.
Department of Health: Medicaid Claims Processing Activity October 1, 2013 Through March 31, 2014 (2013-S-50)
For the period October 1, 2013 through March 31, 2014. Auditors identified about $3.3 million in inappropriate Medicaid payments, including $1,335,151 in overpayments for hospital claims for which eMedNY did not properly factor Medicare coverage or a lower level of care into the payment; $682,022 in overpayments for pharmacy claims that were not in compliance with various regulations and policies; and $416,314 in improper payments for claims that were not subjected to the appropriate claims processing logic in eMedNY. By the end of the audit fieldwork, auditors recovered about $2 million of the overpayments identified.
Department of Labor (DOL): Wage Theft Investigations (Follow-Up) (2015-F-9)
In an initial report, issued in June 2014, auditors determined DOL was not completing wage theft investigations in a timely manner. As of August 2013, DOL had a caseload of 17,191 cases, including 9,331 active investigations and 7,860 cases pending payment. Of these, 12,938 cases (75 percent) had been open more than one year since the initial claim was received. In a follow-up report, auditors found DOL has made substantial progress in addressing the issues identified in the initial report. For example, DOL is now completing 80 percent of its wage investigations within six months. At the time of this follow up, DOL only had 305 cases that were open for more than one year.
Office of Mental Health (OMH): Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) Program (2014-S-25)
OMH is not effectively overseeing the ACT program to ensure that provider teams are complying with certain important program requirements. Provider teams are not recertified in a timely manner; program data in the CAIRS system is not complete or accurate; some program staff do not receive required training; and program recipients’ treatment plans are not completed on time, with required team leaders’ approvals. As a result, program recipients’ service needs may not be adequately addressed. The office has also not established methods to assess the extent to which it is achieving overall program goals.
Metropolitan Transportation Authority: Selected Aspects of Travel Expenses (2013-S-79)
Auditors found the Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s New York City Transit, MTA Bus Company, and MTA Bridges and Tunnels units should strengthen certain controls over travel to help reduce costs. For trips booked by MTA’s travel agent, auditors projected that 753 hotel stays exceeded the government lodging rates established by the General Services Administration (GSA) and the U.S. Department of State by at least $127,963. Transit paid more than the GSA maximum lodging rate for 12 of 15 rooms booked by a total of $3,962.
Office of the Nassau County Public Administrator (NCPA): Selected Financial Management and Administrative Practices (2013-S-37)
Among several issues noted by auditors, the NCPA did not have documentation to support the hiring and compensation of employees who are paid through the suspense account. The average monthly balance in the NCPA’s suspense account dropped from $241,214 in 2010, to $74,442. Although the NCPA publicly advertised for vendors annually, it did not prepare the required list of preferred vendors until 2013. Additionally, several vendors did not complete the required “Application to Provide Services.” The NCPA also did not maintain written documentation justifying the selection of particular vendors as required and certain estate assets were put up for sale without the documented formal prior approval of the Surrogate’s Court pursuant to statute. Additionally, the NCPA’s annual reports to the State Comptroller did not list non-cash estate assets as required by law.