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NEWS from the Office of the New York State Comptroller
Contact: Press Office 518-474-4015

Comptroller DiNapoli Releases Municipal Audits

February 2, 2016

New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli today announced his office completed audits of the Town of Ausable, Fishers Island Waste Management District, Town of Guilderland, Plattsburgh Housing Authority, Town of Salem and the Westbury Water District.

“In today’s fiscal climate, budget transparency and accountability for our local communities is a top priority,” said DiNapoli. “By auditing municipal finances and operations, my office continues to provide taxpayers the assurance that their money is being spent appropriately and effectively.”

Town of Ausable – Water and Sewer Financial Operations (Clinton County)

The town did not enter into a written agreement with the town of Chesterfield, which bills, collects and enforces charges for water and sewer districts. The board did not approve any of the water and sewer rates that were used for the districts within the town.

Fishers Island Waste Management District – Purchasing (Suffolk County)

The district’s purchasing policy does not require officials to use competitive bidding for any purchases. District officials did not always use vendors who provided the best price and did not provide adequate documentation to support justification.

Town of Guilderland – Employee Compensation and Benefits (Albany County)

The town did not adequately segregate payroll duties or establish sufficient compensating controls. Two golf course employees were compensated more than $16,000 over a three-year period for hours worked that were unsupported by time records.

Plattsburgh Housing Authority – Tenant Rents (Clinton County)

The authority had no comprehensive written policies and procedures over the billing and collection of tenant rents. Billing and collection duties were not properly segregated.

Town of Salem – Financial Management (Washington County)

The board consistently budgeted to appropriate more fund balance in the town-wide general fund than was actually available to finance operations. These practices caused deficits of $15,192 in 2014 and a projected deficit of $8,437 in 2015.

Westbury Water District – Purchasing (Nassau County)

District officials do not require the use of purchase orders when purchasing goods and services. The procurement policy does not require the solicitation of competition before awarding professional service contracts.


For access to state and local government spending and 50,000 state contracts, visit OpenBookNY. The easy-to-use website was created by Comptroller DiNapoli to promote openness in government and provide taxpayers with better access to the financial workings of government.