New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli announced today the following audits have been issued:
Department of Health: Medicaid Program: Eye Care Providers Inappropriately Enroll as Recipients and Overcharge for Vision Services (2013-S-1)
Auditors found numerous violations and questionable practices connected to the owner of a Medicaid eye care provider and extending to the owner’s family, including submitting false income information to secure Medicaid coverage and other medical assistance benefits.
Metropolitan Transportation Authority: Select Payroll and Overtime Practices and Related Transactions (Follow-Up) (2015-F-14)
An initial report issued in November 2011 determined that certain Metro-North Railroad employees received costly payments due to long-term practices related to Hours of Service that may have been avoidable. For calendar 2010, auditors determined that these practices cost Metro-North $991,208 in overtime and $216,128 in regular pay, and enriched certain staff and supervisors. In a follow-up report, auditors determined Metro-North Railroad officials made some progress in correcting the problems identified in the initial report.
State Education Department: The Arc of Orange County, Compliance with the Reimbursable Cost Manual (2015-S-45)
Arc of Orange County provides preschool special education services to children with disabilities who are between the ages of three and five years. Arc is reimbursed for preschool special education services through rates set by SED. To be eligible for reimbursement, reported costs must comply with state requirements. Auditors found that for the two years ended Dec. 31, 2013, Arc reported $94,969 in ineligible costs, including: $70,950 in personal service costs and $24,019 in other than personal service costs.
Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV): Internal Control System Components (2015-S-66)
DMV has established a system of internal control that incorporates each of the five components of internal control. However, improvements are needed in the evaluation of some of these components, particularly at the unit level.
Public Service Commission: Pipeline Safety Oversight (2015-S-31)
Department of Public Service (DPS) staff do not verify the accuracy of the information on employee/contractor qualifications maintained by individual operators which DPS staff rely on during field audits. DPS has not set up a process to identify instances where operators failed to notify them as required. Auditors determined that operators did not notify DPS of six gas-related incidents in 2015 that should otherwise have been reported. DPS also does not perform analyses of all available data to better identify potential high-risk areas.
Department of Transportation: Performance Based Bus Safety Program (2015-S-71)
In October 2013, DOT began to implement the bus safety program by revising its bus inspection program to focus less on high-performing carriers and more on low-performing carriers. This strategy was intended to improve safety and compliance and establish a strong incentive for low-performing carriers to improve their operations. Auditors found DOT effectively implemented the program. DOT has also taken appropriate actions against poor performing carriers such as implementing corrective action plans that the carrier must complete, imposing fines, and, when necessary, suspending a carrier’s operating authority.