"President Trump’s decision to walk away from the Paris Agreement is a mistake, is bad policy and relegates the United States to the sidelines of the global response to climate change.
"The creation of a lower carbon future is inevitable and is already underway. Governments around the world and industries and investors will continue to address climate change in innovative ways. As trustee of New York state’s $192 billion pension fund, I will continue to seek out sustainable investments and changes in corporate behavior that help the promise of the Paris Agreement become a reality."
Comptroller DiNapoli has taken ground breaking actions to promote solutions to climate change, including his first in the U.S. Low Emission Index fund announced at the Paris Climate Conference. DiNapoli has used his influence as a shareholder to convince dozens of leading companies to improve their climate performance, supported crucial mitigation policies and was recently recognized by the Asset Owners Disclosure Project as being among the world’s top leaders in acting to limit climate risk to the New York State Common Retirement Fund.
About the New York State Common Retirement Fund
The New York State Common Retirement Fund is the third largest public pension fund in the United States, with an estimated $192 billion in assets under management as of March 31, 2017. The Fund holds and invests the assets of the New York State and Local Retirement System on behalf of more than one million state and local government employees and retirees and their beneficiaries. The Fund has a diversified portfolio of public and private equities, fixed income, real estate and alternative instruments.