New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli today announced his office completed audits of Town of Canandaigua, Greece Public Library, Industrial Development Agency Board Governance, Town of Junius, Orange County Community College, Village of Ravena and the Westchester County Sewer Districts.
"In today's fiscal climate, budget transparency and accountability for our local communities is a top priority," said DiNapoli. "By auditing municipal finances and operations, my office continues to provide taxpayers the assurance that their money is being spent appropriately and effectively."
Town of Canandaigua – Fund Balance, Water Operations and Information Technology (Ontario County)
The board has not developed a long-term financial or capital plan, including a plan for reserves, or require a cash flow analysis. The board has not provided sufficient fiscal oversight of the town's water operations. As a result, there are no procedures for the accounting records to be maintained for each water district or extension to ensure that costs are equitably and appropriately distributed. The board has also not adopted policies to sufficiently protect its IT assets.
Greece Public Library – Information Technology (Monroe County)
Library officials need to improve controls to ensure that Library IT assets are adequately safeguarded. The board has not adopted any IT policies, including those addressing acceptable use, password management, user accounts, access rights, data backups, hardware and software inventories, restricting personal use, remote access or the disposal of hardware and electronic media.
Industrial Development Agency Board Governance (2017-MS-1)
Of the six IDAs examined, auditors found 49 of 155 projects reviewed contained incorrect information, including inaccurate job creation and retention numbers, project status and transfer information. The agencies' 2014 annual reports indicated they would create or retain 13,818 jobs, but they actually created or retained 10,209 jobs, a shortfall of 26 percent. In addition, the Orange County IDA's board acted outside of its authority by agreeing to accept a grant and administering the grant funds in consideration for approving a payment in lieu of taxes agreement.
Town of Junius – Supervisor's Records and Reports (Seneca County)
The town supervisor relied on the secretary to perform most of the financial transactions without providing adequate oversight. Consequently, the town's records are incomplete and not up-to-date, and are therefore, unreliable. The supervisor also failed to provide the board with the necessary financial reports to adequately monitor operations, and did not file the required reports with the appropriate agencies.
Orange County Community College – Information Technology and Financial Activities (2017M-111)
The board did not adopt adequate IT policies that address appropriate computer use and security. The board also needs to improve its purchasing procedures to ensure college officials procure goods and services in accordance with applicable statutes. College officials did not ensure that claims were properly authorized, supported and for legitimate purposes.
Village of Ravena – Departmental Collections and Leave Accruals (Albany County)
The recreational director and other staff collected pool fees but did not issue receipts or maintain records to adequately account for collections. Staff also did not properly update the accounting records and did not accurately record departmental collections.
Westchester County Sewer Districts – Financial Condition (2017M-155)
County officials have adopted structurally balanced budgets using fund balance in a judicious manner. The budget process for the county's sewer districts found officials adequately monitor the budget throughout the year.
For access to state and local government spending, public authority financial data and information on 140,000 state contracts, visit Open Book New York. The easy-to-use website was created to promote transparency in government and provide taxpayers with better access to financial data.