New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli announced today the following audits and examinations have been issued.
Department of Health (DOH): Medicaid Claims Processing Activity April 1, 2017 through Sept. 30, 2017 (2017-S-23)
Auditors identified approximately $10.2 million in improper Medicaid payments, including: $3.7 million in overpayments for claims that were billed with incorrect information pertaining to other health insurance coverage that recipients had; $3.1 million in overpayments for claims involving Medicare coverage that were incorrectly processed; and $1.3 million in overpayments for improper newborn birth claims. About $4.5 million of the overpayments were recovered by the end of audit fieldwork. Auditors also identified providers in the Medicaid program who were charged with or found guilty of crimes that violated health care programs’ laws or regulations. DOH terminated 42 of 51 providers identified.
Department of Health (DOH): Examination of Travel Expenses (2015-BSE1-04B)
In an earlier report, auditors found DOH improperly designated an employee’s official station in calendar years 2013 and 2014, costing the state more than $38,000 in unnecessary travel expenses. After further examination, auditors found DOH paid $22,651.32, $26,556.12 and $6,007.79 in travel expenses for calendar years 2015, 2016 and 2017, respectively, for the employee to commute between his residence and his main work location. DOH could have avoided these costs if officials had properly designated the employee’s main work location as his official station.
Workers' Compensation Board: Annual Audit
The board processed claims totaling nearly $720 million for four sole custody funds in 2017 – the Uninsured Employers Fund, the Special Fund for Disability Benefits, the Second Injury Fund and the Fund for Reopened Cases. Board staff enter claims data for all special funds claims into the Board’s automated payment system, where the claims are subjected to various system edits and validation checks, approved by the Board and submitted to the Comptroller’s Office for approval prior to payment. Auditors halted inappropriate claims totaling nearly $520,000 that the board approved.
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