New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli announced today the following audits have been issued.
Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS): Oversight of Runaway and Homeless Youth (2019-S-47)
OCFS has generally established controls but is not conducting program and fire safety inspections for certified runaway and homeless youth programs and facilities. Auditors found OCFS did not always conduct inspections within established time frames as 57 of 186 program inspections (31 percent) and 23 of 184 fire safety inspections (13 percent) were late. Additionally, they found various safety conditions needed to be improved. These included missing smoke detectors, missing outlet covers, overloaded power strips, and water damage to ceilings with possible mold.
Office of General Services: Summit Security Services Inc. (2019-BSE3-001)
OGS paid Summit more than $867,000 for 40 individuals provided by Summit’s subcontractor, Bestworth, who did not meet the contract qualifications for security guards. Bestworth’s president acknowledged none of the 40 employees who provided security guard services at the Adam Clayton Powell Jr. State Office Building took a drug test. Furthermore, 27 of these individuals lacked other necessary qualifications, including the required New York State Department of State Security Guard registration.
Department of Civil Service: New York State Health Insurance Program: CVS Health – Accuracy of Drug Rebate Revenue Remitted to the Department of Civil Service (2019-S-51)
The Department of Civil Service contracted with CVS Health to administer the Empire Plan’s prescription drug program for the period Jan. 1, 2014 through Dec. 31, 2018. CVS Health was required to negotiate agreements with drug manufacturers for rebates, discounts, and other consideration and remit the rebate revenue to Civil Service. Auditors reviewed discrepancies between the drug rebates that CVS Health invoiced versus collected from drug manufacturers and found CVS Health did not always collect and remit all rebate revenue to Civil Service. As a result, Civil Service is due $453,029 in rebates.
Department of Civil Service: New York State Health Insurance Program – Payments by Empire BlueCross for Hospital Services for Ineligible Members (2019-S-32)
The audit identified 3,177 claims totaling $18.2 million that were paid for hospital services provided during periods when members were not eligible. The claims were paid due to various reasons, including retroactive disenrollments. For retroactive disenrollments, it took an average of nearly 400 days to cancel members’ coverage. Empire recovered $11.5 million and $2.1 million was beyond recoverability time frames, leaving $4.6 million to be recovered.
Empire State Development (ESD): Oversight of Select High-Technology Projects (2017-S-60)
ESD has provided millions of dollars to private companies in high-tech sectors with the goal of creating jobs and increasing private investment. While ESD has effective practices for monitoring specific programs, it has not adequately monitored other high-tech projects to ensure that taxpayer money is effectively spent and is producing the intended results.
Homeless Housing and Assistance Corp.: Homeless Housing and Assistance Program (HHAP) – Project Selection and Maintenance (2020-F-14) (Follow-up)
An audit issued in January 2019 found that, of the 51 projects that were awarded funding by HHAP during the three-year period ending March 31, 2016, all but one were operational or in the pre-construction or construction phase within two to four years of being awarded funding. Auditors also identified several areas for improvement. In a follow-up, auditors found HHAP has made progress in addressing the problems identified in the initial audit report; however, additional improvements are needed.
Metropolitan Transportation Authority – New York City Transit (NYCT) – Signal Maintenance, Inspections, and Testing (2019-F-58) (Follow-up)
An audit issued in October 2017 found NYCT did not always perform required tests of its signal equipment within required intervals and supervisors were often late in inspecting equipment. NYCT also did not have an inventory system to account for the equipment it maintains. In a follow-up, auditors found NYCT has made progress in addressing the issues identified. Of the 18 prior recommendations, three were implemented, 10 were partially implemented and five were not addressed.
Office for People With Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD): Controls Over Transportation Services and Transportation-Related Expenses (2019-S-38)
Auditors reviewing upstate New York OPWDD transportation services and related expenses found it could improve accountability over transportation expenses and services and doesn’t have controls in place to educate or improve driving skills for employees with frequent driver license interruptions or serious violations (e.g., speeding, disobeying traffic devices, driving while intoxicated). OPWDD could also improve controls to ensure vehicle recalls are repaired in a timely manner. Auditors found that 219 vehicles had 235 unresolved (open) recall notices. Most (201) had been open for over nine months.
Office for People With Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD): Oversight of Passenger Safety (Follow-Up) (2020-F-1)
An audit released in October 2018 found that OPWDD did not analyze traffic violations to identify whether employees in the New York City region needed training or counseling, or if they should be reassigned. The audit also found that four regional Developmental Disabilities Services Offices were not properly identifying drivers whose licenses had been suspended. In addition, repairs related to manufacturer recalls were not being performed in a timely manner or at all. In a follow-up, auditors found OPWDD has made limited progress in addressing the problems identified in the initial audit.
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