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NEWS from the Office of the New York State Comptroller
Contact: Press Office 518-474-4015

State Comptroller DiNapoli Releases School District Audits

April 5, 2021

New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli today announced the following school district audits were issued.

Briarcliff Manor Union Free School District (Westchester County)

Auditors found district officials generally used a competitive process to procure goods and services. However, they did not always seek competition for professional services.

Cherry Valley-Springfield Central School District – Financial Condition (Montgomery County and Otsego County)

Officials effectively managed most aspects of the school district’s financial condition. However, they have not utilized their multiyear financial plans to help make financial decisions. Officials also have not adopted fund balance and reserve policies.

Hamilton Central School District – Procurement (Madison County)

District officials did not always seek competition for the purchase of goods and services not subject to competitive bidding, as required by the district’s procurement policy. Officials did not seek competition for the services procured from five professional service providers totaling $658,164. In addition, officials did not obtain verbal and written quotes for the purchase of goods and services from 14 vendors totaling $126,907.

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