New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli today announced the following local government audits were issued.
Town of Lyndon – Town Clerk’s Collections (Cattaraugus County)
The clerk generally recorded, remitted and reported collections accurately and in a timely manner. Collections were deposited accurately but the clerk did not always make deposits in a timely manner. Collections totaling $7,050 or 49% of the collections recorded from Jan. 1, 2020 through May 6, 2021 were not deposited within three days, as required. The board did not perform an annual audit of 2020 records, as required.
Town of Machias – Supervisor’s Financial Duties (Cattaraugus County)
The supervisor did not adequately perform his financial duties and cannot provide support for almost $1.6 million in interfund loans. Although interfund loans must be repaid by the close of each fiscal year, interfund loans have grown from $246,280 in 2015 to almost $1.6 million as of Dec. 31, 2019. The supervisor also did not provide adequate oversight of the bookkeeper. The supervisor did not provide detailed monthly financial reports to the board. Auditors found the supervisor did not review monthly bank reconciliations. In addition, the supervisor did not prepare and file the annual financial reports for 2019 and 2020 with the Office of the State Comptroller in a timely manner.
Town of Stanford – Financial Management (Dutchess County)
The board did not properly manage the town’s financial condition and did not adopt realistic budgets. The board adopted an unbalanced 2020 budget that was missing information and misleading, which resulted in a 58% decrease in real property taxes. The board also adopted a 2021 budget with a $749,159 increase in the tax levy over the prior year and levied more taxes than necessary to fund general fund operations. In addition, the board exceeded its fund balance policy limit by $645,366.
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