For purposes of this Part:
(a) Board shall mean the governing board, members of the public authority, board of directors, board of trustees or trustees or other similar governing body as described in the laws, articles of incorporation or corporate by-laws creating and/or governing the authority.
(b) Budget shall mean the proposed and approved budgets, and any amendments or modifications thereto, of the public authority. The budget shall include all the organizations, programs, activities, and functions of the public authority that comprise its accounting entity in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.
(c) Chief financial officer shall mean the treasurer, chief fiscal officer or other executive level officer directly responsible for overseeing the financial activities of the public authority.
(d) Chief operating officer shall mean the executive director or other executive level officer responsible for overseeing the day-to-day activities of the public authority.
(e) Debt shall mean bonds, notes, contractual financing arrangements, or other evidences of indebtedness issued by the public authority for any purpose.
(f) Financial plan shall mean the budget for the current fiscal year and revenue and expenditure projections, in a format consistent with the budget, for at least the three following years.
(g) Gap shall mean the difference between projected revenues and other financing sources and expenditures and other financing uses for any given fiscal year before proposed management actions that would increase revenues or reduce costs.
(h) Gap-closing program shall mean any combination of management actions that reduce costs or increase revenues that lower a gap in any given fiscal year.