Each issuer of debt shall within 45 days of the end of the State fiscal year submit to the State Comptroller, in electronic format, the following additional information for each of its outstanding debt issues (as of and for the State fiscal year just ended), in each case, discretely presented for each separate statutory authorization:
(a) the amount of accrued interest on each State-reported debt issue;
(b) all changes occurring during the past twelve months to the balance of unearned debt accretion for State-reported debt;
(c) the amount of debt service paid during the prior 12 months from investment earnings administered by the issuer of State-reported debt;
(d) a schedule of future minimum debt service based upon rates in effect at the end of the State fiscal year, discretely presenting the principal, interest, swap agreement receipts and swap agreement payments by payment date;
(e) a schedule of future minimum debt service based upon rates in effect at the end of the State fiscal year, discretely presenting the principal, interest, swap agreement receipts and swap agreement payments by payment date for debt related to the State University of New York (other than community colleges);
(f) a schedule of future minimum debt service based upon rates in effect at the end of the State fiscal year, discretely presenting the principal, interest, swap agreement receipts and swap agreement payments by payment for debt related to senior colleges of the City University of New York;
(g) the highest and lowest fixed rate of interest applicable to all State-reported debt outstanding;
(h) information relating to any arbitrage rebate liability applicable to all State-reported debt:
(1) the actual amount of arbitrage rebate liability paid during the year;
(2) the actual or estimated amount of arbitrage rebate liability due within one year;
(3) the actual or estimated amount of arbitrage rebate liability due beyond one year;
(4) any changes in estimated rebate liabilities during the year;
(5) the amount of any arbitrage rebate refunded during the year; and
(6) the amount of any arbitrage rebate refund anticipated.
(i) The following information related to investments held at the end of the State's fiscal year related to debt service reserve accounts, debt service accounts, and debt proceeds accounts for State-reported debt, in each case, discretely presented for each separate statutory authorization and account type:
(1) a copy of the investment policies that have been formally adopted for investments related to debt;
(2) a description of the type of investment;
(3) the credit rating on investments, excluding investments in obligations of the U.S. Government or guaranteed by the U.S. Government;
(4) the unamortized purchase cost of the investment;
(5) the purchase date of the investment;
(6) the maturity date of the investment;
(7) the market value of the investment;
(8) the name in which the investment is held;
(9) an indication if the investment is held by a custodial agent.
(j) The following information related to investments liquidated during the State's fiscal year related to debt service reserve accounts, debt service accounts, and debt proceeds accounts for State-reported debt, in each case, discretely presented for each separate statutory authorization and account type:
(1) a description of the type of investment that matured, was sold or liquidated;
(2) the original unamortized purchase cost of the investment;
(3) the purchase date of the investment;
(4) the date the investment was sold, matured or was otherwise liquidated; and
(5) the proceeds received for the investment.
(k) A schedule of all debt that has been defeased by depositing securities issued by the U.S. Government or guaranteed by the U.S. Government in an irrevocable trust but which remained legally outstanding.