
See Audits to search for audits related to State agencies, NYC agencies, local governments, school districts and public authorities.

Environment, Pension & Retirement

June 2019 —

As Comptroller of New York State and Trustee of the Common Retirement Fund (CRF), I am deeply concerned about the impact of climate change on the Fund’s investments, as well as its impact on the economy as whole.

Economy, Health & Welfare

June 2019 —

After almost a full decade of U.S. economic expansion, too many New Yorkers still face real challenges making ends meet. One clear sign of this troubling reality is the millions of renters and homeowners in our State who struggle with high housing costs.


May 2019 —

In 2018, OSC completed 18 audits of expenses submitted to SED by special education providers and one school-age special education provider. These audits have cumulatively identified almost $14.8 million in recommended disallowances, or almost 4 percent of the total claimed expenses of $372 million for the audit period. 

Environment, Pension & Retirement

April 2019 —

Statement of Anastasia Titarchuk, Interim Chief Investment Officer, New York State Common Retirement Fund.

Environment, Pension & Retirement

April 2019 —

A report to the Comptroller of the State of New York as the sole trustee of the New York State Common Retirement Fund (the Fund) on how the Fund can best mitigate investment risks stemming from climate change and maximize opportunities from the new, low-carbon economy.


March 2019 —

From mom-and-pop corner stores to medical practices to computer software start-ups, small businesses play a vital role in New York’s economy.

Environment, Pension & Retirement

January 2019 —

As Trustee of the New York State Common Retirement Fund, I have a responsibility to safeguard the Fund’s investments, which I manage for the benefit of the more than one million participants in the New York State and Local Retirement System.


October 2018 —

Job markets go through cycles of ups and downs. Further, within New York State, employment trends can be very different from one region to another. But, over the last ten years, at least one sector – health care – has established a consistent pattern of growth across the State.

Budget & Finances, Federal Issues

October 2018 —

In 2009 and 2010, President Obama and Congress enacted two major laws—the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, and the Affordable Care Act—that provided significant new funding to help New York and other states provide essential services to the people.

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Economy, Environment

September 2018 —

New York is home to over 35,000 farms, covering approximately 7.3 million acres or nearly a quarter of the State’s total land area.

Budget & Finances, Health & Welfare

September 2018 —

New York State has a proud history of working to make health insurance coverage as widely available as possible, to promote public health and improve New Yorkers’ quality of life.


May 2018 —

Credit cards are the most commonly used vehicle for consumer borrowing, and thus play an important role in both the overall economy and individual households’ finances.

Health & Welfare

May 2018 —

The New York State Health Insurance Program (NYSHIP), administered by the State Department of Civil Service (Civil Service), is one of the nation’s largest public sector health insurance programs. NYSHIP covers over 1.2 million active and retired State, local government and school district employees, and their dependents.

Environment, Pension & Retirement

May 2018 —

The New York State Common Retirement Fund holds and invests the assets of the New York State and Local Retirement System on behalf of more than one million State and local government employees and retirees and their beneficiaries.


March 2018 —

Recent actions at the federal level to undercut crucial environmental protections remind us once again that we can’t take our environmental quality and successes over the past decades for granted.

Budget & Finances, Environment

March 2018 —

This year marks the 25th anniversary of the legislation that created New York State’s Environmental Protection Fund (EPF) – a development well worth noting. The Fund is one of the State’s most important vehicles for making capital investments to preserve open space, protect water quality, and improve parks and waterfronts all across New York.


January 2018 —

In 2017, OSC completed 23 audits of expenses submitted to SED by preschool special education providers. These audits have cumulatively identified over $12.5 million in recommended disallowances, or about 3 percent of the total claimed expenses of $454 million for the audit period. 

Health & Welfare

November 2017 —

Homelessness is a troubling, chronic problem nationally and in New York State. Veterans of U.S. military service have made up a disproportionate share of our nation’s homeless population.

Federal Issues

October 2017 —

It’s been said that the only certain things in life are death and taxes. But when leaders in Washington make sweeping promises about the benefits of “tax reform,” we can be certain of at least one other thing – the need to look very carefully at the numbers.

Budget & Finances, Federal Issues

October 2017 —

As the President and Congress push for changes on both the spending and revenue sides of the federal budget, the stakes for New York State are high.

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