
See Audits to search for audits related to State agencies, NYC agencies, local governments, school districts and public authorities.

Health & Welfare

November 2015 —

New York State offers a variety of programs, services and benefits for the nearly 900,000 veterans living in the State. These programs are intended to help veterans address any challenges they may face as a result of their military service, while honoring their dedication and the sacrifices they have made on behalf of our country.

Budget & Finances, Federal Issues

October 2015 —

The fiscal relationship between the federal government and the states has been a topic of debate since the founding of our nation.

Excel file with supporting data


October 2015 —

Between 1990 and 2014, the Hispanic and Latino population in New York State grew by 66 percent, reaching nearly 3.7 million (19 percent of the population). Nearly half of Hispanic New Yorkers (including Latinos) were born in New York State, and more than three-quarters are United States citizens by birth or naturalization.

Health & Welfare

October 2015 —

The State Health Innovation Plan, New York’s roadmap for achieving the “Triple Aim” of better care, better population health and lower health care costs, describes the prevalence of diabetes as “arguably our biggest looming health challenge.”


August 2015 —

Six years after the end of the Great Recession, economic growth continues across the United States and in New York. The State has enjoyed four consecutive calendar years of comparatively steady job gains after suffering a recessionary decline in 2009 and only slight growth in 2010.

Budget & Finances, Health & Welfare

April 2015 —

Medicaid provides health insurance coverage to more than 6 million New Yorkers and is projected to cost a total of $62 billion from federal, State and local sources in State Fiscal Year 2016.

Budget & Finances, Health & Welfare

March 2015 —

New York’s Medicaid program is undergoing major changes, with ambitious plans for further modifications just ahead. The State’s efforts to slow spending growth are showing measurable progress, with average beneficiary costs declining while enrollment continues to grow.

Economy, Environment

March 2015 —

Farms are an essential and diverse part of New York State’s economy, contributing significantly to employment, incomes and tax revenues across the Empire State.


December 2014 —

As of December 2014, OSC has completed 40 audits of expenses submitted to SED by preschool and/or school age special education providers over the last decade. These audits have cumulatively identified almost $42 million in disallowances, or 7.6 percent of the total claimed expenses of $544 million for the audit period. 

Budget & Finances, Environment

December 2014 —

Created in 1970, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) is responsible for most of the State’s programs to protect wildlife, natural resources and environmental quality.

Health & Welfare

December 2014 —

Access to a habitable and secure place to live is a basic human need, essential to good health and well‐being. Keeping New Yorkers housed is costly, however. Government spends billions of dollars annually to assist developers, owners, and renters.


September 2014 —

The New York State Common Retirement Fund has a powerful, far-reaching impact on the economy of New York State.


May 2014 —

In 1966, New York State voters approved an amendment to the New York State Constitution to authorize creation of the modern State Lottery. The Lottery now is an important contributor to State revenues, generating more than $3 billion last fiscal year.


April 2014 —

The Office of the State Comptroller (OSC) continues its efforts to promote sustainable government practices.

Health & Welfare

April 2014 —

Asthma is a major public health problem in New York State and nationally.


Economy, Health & Welfare

March 2014 —

The percentage of New York State households with housing costs above the affordability threshold, as defined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), rose for both homeowners and renters from 2000 to 2012, according to U.S. Census Bureau data.


Infrastructure, Transportation

February 2014 —

This is the third report released by the Office of the State Comptroller on the State’s Dedicated Highway and Bridge Trust Fund.

Economy, Education

January 2014 —

More than a decade ago, New York became the fourth state in the nation to extend in-state college tuition rates to undocumented immigrant students. Today, approximately 8,300 such students attend public institutions of higher education throughout New York.



January 2014 —

School districts are facing a set of unique fiscal challenges that have left many tightening their belts even as the economic recovery has begun to improve New York State finances.


August 2013 —

New York State’s economy, like that of the nation, has taken a roller coaster ride since the start of the 21st century. The national recession of 2001 and its aftermath hit the Empire State with job losses proportionally larger than those in most states. Following more than five years of steady recovery from the 2001 downturn, New York was again hit hard by the Great Recession – losing more than 300,000 jobs in 2008 and 2009.