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Budget & Finances, Economy

January 2021 —

New Yorkers’ average student loan balance rose by 3.9 percent from the previous year to $37,600 as of June 2020, according to newly available data from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.


January 2021 —

The Office of the State Comptroller received 21,282 contract transactions, including both new contracts and contract amendments, valued at $102.4 billion in the calendar year 2019. The average time from agency contract submission to final sign-off was 6.3 days.

Budget & Finances, Economy

December 2020 —

In the second quarter of 2020, total wages paid in New York State declined by $12.5 billion or 7.4 percent in comparison to the second quarter of 2019, according to new data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

Budget & Finances, Economy

December 2020 —

After losing more than 1.9 million jobs in March and April, New York State saw steady gains, averaging over 174,000 jobs in each of the following five months. 

Budget & Finances, Federal Issues

November 2020 —

In Federal Fiscal Year 2019, New York State generated $23.7 billion more in federal taxes than it received in federal spending. In total dollars, New York’s deficit was the highest among the 50 states. For every tax dollar paid to Washington, our State received 91 cents in return—well below the national average of $1.24.

Excel file with supporting data | Data Visualization

Budget & Finances, Economy

November 2020 —

Total employment in New York State fell in March, and again—much more sharply—in April, with a combined loss of more than 1.9 million jobs.

Budget & Finances

November 2020 —

The Office of the State Comptroller estimates that the State’s tax revenues will decline by 5.6 percent or $4.7 billion in SFY 2020-21 compared to the previous year. Such revenues are projected to grow by 1.6 percent in SFY 2021-22, and to increase by 4.3 percent in SFY 2022- 23

Budget & Finances, Economy, Health & Welfare

November 2020 —

Many New Yorkers enjoy buying Lottery tickets and taking a chance on a big prize. Some play the slot machines and other games in the State’s eight Video Lottery Terminal (VLT) facilities, four commercial casinos and seven Native American casinos. Sports wagering and interactive fantasy sports are now part of the gambling picture, and traditional betting on horses continues at racetracks and off-track betting locations.


October 2020 —

Statewide local sales tax collections in the third quarter of 2020 declined by 9.5 percent, or $452 million, over the same quarter in 2019. This decrease, while alarming in a typical year, was still a marked improvement from the 27.1 percent drop in the second quarter, which reflected the peak of the economic impact to date from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Regional Table [.xlsx]

Budget & Finances, Economy

October 2020 —

New York State’s unemployment rate dropped to 9.7 percent in September, marking the first time the rate has been below 10 percent since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Budget & Finances, Economy

October 2020 —

While all states have lost employment since the COVID-19 pandemic struck earlier this year, New York surpasses almost every other in both number and percentage of job losses. 


October 2020 —

New York State imposes a "general sales tax" at a single rate on most goods and some services. Counties and cities can impose their own local sales tax in addition to the State rate. This report is an update to the Office of the State Comptroller’s March 2015 publication on local government sales taxes in New York State.

Budget & Finances, Pension & Retirement

September 2020 —

The Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the New York State and Local Retirement System (the System or NYSLRS) for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2020.

Budget & Finances, Economy

September 2020 —

Six months into the COVID-19 recession, New Yorkers working in lower-paid sectors continue to suffer a disproportionate share of job losses statewide and especially in New York City.

Budget & Finances

September 2020 —

This report on the use of overtime by New York State agencies examines patterns over the past ten calendar years. The total cost of overtime in calendar year 2019 was over $806 million, covering roughly 18.4 million overtime hours worked.

Budget & Finances

September 2020 —

The 2019-20 fiscal year brought the convergence of two dramatically different periods to New York State. The nation’s longest recorded economic expansion continued to generate overall job growth through most of the fiscal year before finally ending in February, as the COVID-19 pandemic forced severe limits on business activity and significantly impacted the State’s economy.

Budget & Finances, Economy

September 2020 —

While New York State has regained more than one in four of the jobs it lost in March and April, the unprecedented scale of losses due to the COVID-19 pandemic leaves a daunting path ahead for the State to climb back to pre-recession employment levels. For New York City, the picture is even more troubling.


September 2020 —

Even as we grapple with the serious public health and economic challenges stemming from the Covid-19 pandemic, climate change continues to represent an urgent and growing threat. 

Fraud & Waste

September 2020 —

The New York State Legislature amended the State Finance Law in 2015 by adding a new Section 8-c, which provides for the establishment of a statewide electronic system to help detect and prevent fraud, waste and abuse in government spending and to help avoid improper payment of public moneys.

Budget & Finances

September 2020 —

The Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the State of New York for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2020.