
See Audits to search for audits related to State agencies, NYC agencies, local governments, school districts and public authorities.


May 2023 —

Of the total contracts reported by State agencies in 2022, 58 percent were processed after their start or renewal dates. This represents no change from 2021.


May 2023 —

For State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2022-23, agencies paid vendors $4,087,280 in interest, an increase of $3,081,904 (approximately 307 percent) from SFY 2021-22.

MWBE, Pension & Retirement

May 2023 —

The New York State Minority- and Women-Owned Business Enterprise (MWBE) Asset Management and Financial Institution Strategy (Chapter 171, Laws of 2010) was enacted to codify and replicate best practices for providing MWBEs that are asset managers, investment banks and financial and professional service providers with the opportunity to offer services to fiduciary-controlled entities established by New York State law.

Economy, Infrastructure

May 2023 —

The number of New Yorkers earning less than $20,000 with a broadband subscription rose from 64% to 76% between 2019 and 2021 as a result of two federal programs created to address disparities in access to high-speed internet. More than 1.3 million New York households are receiving affordable broadband subscriptions with federal support. In total, more than 90% of all New York households had access to broadband in 2021, up from 86% in 2019.

Budget & Finances, Infrastructure, Transportation

May 2023 —

Escalating debt service costs have long been a source of financial pressure at the MTA. The pandemic exacerbated these pressures causing ridership to drop and tax revenues to dry up. However, new sources of recurring revenue in the enacted State budget and other aid give the MTA an opportunity to ease the pressure that growing debt places on its operations and to stabilize its future finances.


May 2023 —

Local sales tax collections in New York state increased by 1.5% in April compared to the same month in 2022. Overall, local collections totaled $1.74 billion, up $25.8 million compared to the same time last year.

Regional Table [.xlsx]

Budget & Finances

May 2023 —

The $229 billion Enacted Budget for State Fiscal Year 2023-24 includes new recurring spending for schools, mental health services, and health care, as well as resources for the Metropolitan Transportation Authority and for emergency rental assistance. While these and other measures will increase spending, revenues are projected to decrease for the second year in a row, as temporary federal aid is depleted and tax collections decline.

Budget & Finances, Economy

May 2023 —

The unemployment rate for mothers in New York City has improved but it remains higher than it was prior to the pandemic. In 2022, 5.7% of City moms in the workforce were unemployed compared to 3.4% nationally. Black mothers in the City are the hardest hit, facing an unemployment rate of 9%. Some mothers in the City appear to be looking for flexible options outside full-time work, especially compared to the rest of the State and the nation.

Budget & Finances

May 2023 —

Overtime costs at State agencies rose 47.2% to more than $1.36 billion in 2022, setting a new record. Despite several efforts to bolster the workforce, including salary increases and bonuses for a range of positions including health care workers, attrition of the State workforce accelerated in 2021, and the number of State employees continued to drop in 2022. As the State workforce has been reduced, total overtime hours and earnings have increased.

Budget & Finances, Economy, Health & Welfare

May 2023 —

The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated pre-existing staffing pressures, particularly a shortage of staff nurses, in NYC Health + Hospitals (H+H) facilities, leading to an increased reliance on temporary nurses and higher staffing costs. This report includes a trend analysis of nurses in New York City and the rest of the State, challenges to hire more staff nurses nationwide and the experience of H+H nurse staffing during this time.


May 2023 —

Local government sales tax collections in New York State totaled $5.5 billion in the first quarter of 2023, an increase of 7.1%, or nearly $369 million, compared to the same three-month period last year.

Regional Table [.xlsx]

Economy, Health & Welfare

April 2023 —

New York’s Paid Family Leave (PFL) provides paid time off for eligible employees for bonding with a newborn, or newly adopted or foster child or to care for a family member with a serious health condition. Payments under PFL rose steadily between 2018 and 2021 as the amount of allowable time off and weekly cash benefits increased. Almost eight million workers were covered under PFL, with $872 million paid on approximately 156,000 claims in 2021.


April 2023 —

As New York City’s overall taxable sales begin to normalize from their pandemic-fueled levels, various economic sectors, most notably leisure and hospitality, continue to recover their pandemic declines. As national retail sales growth slows from its double-digit pace of 2021, City retail sales and associated revenues could see a return to historical growth rates following the next two fiscal years.

Budget & Finances, Environment

April 2023 —

A sample of 95 local governments across New York State reported $1.34 billion in actual and anticipated spending on capital projects over a 10-year period, with about $737 million (55% of the total) in response to climate-related hazards such as increased flooding and storm damage. A review of New York City’s capital commitments for fiscal year 2023 showed that it included $829 million for adaptation and resilience projects, and another $1.3 billion for projects with adaptation and resilience components, with planned commitments averaging more than $1.8 billion per year.


April 2023 —

The COVID-19 pandemic led to soaring unemployment rates for people with disabilities, and these rates have not declined as quickly in New York as they have nationally. This report highlights the continued need for solutions that facilitate increased employment for people with disabilities in New York.

Budget & Finances, Federal Issues

April 2023 —

The surge in federal spending in response to the COVID-19 pandemic significantly improved New York’s per capita ranking in the federal balance of payments from 49th in 2019 to 30th in Federal Fiscal Year 2021. For every dollar New York sent to the federal government in tax receipts, it received $1.51 back in federal spending, as compared to a national average of $1.70. This report is the seventh in a series by the Office of the State Comptroller that examines the flow of funds between the federal government and the states.

Interactive Map | Excel file with supporting data

Budget & Finances, Economy, Public Authorities

April 2023 —

This report summarizes data for fiscal year 2021, the most recent data reported by IDAs through the Public Authorities Reporting Information System. The report also contains a brief discussion of local development corporations, a related type of local authority. For IDA-level summary data, see our Interactive Map. For more detailed IDA and project-level data, see IDA 2021 | LDC 2021.

Wall Street

March 2023 —

Wall Street’s 2022 average bonus paid to securities employees dropped to $176,700, a 26% decline from the previous year’s $240,400. Rising interest rates and fear of a recession led to significantly less profits on Wall Street after a record year in 2021.

Budget & Finances, Infrastructure, Transportation

March 2023 —

The Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) continues to make progress on bringing back riders, but  ridership remains well below pre-pandemic levels, putting a major strain on its budget. The report highlights key areas of transit service — safety, reliability and frequency — where the MTA can take steps to improve riders’ experience and encourage their return, to effectively fulfil its mission and stabilize its fiscal position.


March 2023 —

The COVID-19 pandemic forced New York’s schools to take on the extraordinary challenge of quickly shifting to remote learning formats. Recent national data show student performance dropped significantly in 2022 from 2019, with New York experiencing even greater declines than the nation in fourth grade math and reading. School districts need to swiftly invest significant resources in helping students that are most in need to make up for learning loss, while pandemic relief funds for education are still available.