Operational Advisory No. 6

Operational Advisory
Office of Operations
Bureau of State Accounting Operations
Advisory Name
Lapsing Notice and Reminders
Date Issued
Date Last Updated


Lapsing Notice and Reminders


The Office of the State Comptroller (OSC) has completed recording all re-appropriations contained in the 2024-2025 fiscal year enacted budget. All appropriations scheduled to lapse on June 28, 2024, should now contain the appropriate lapse date.

The Office of the State Comptroller (OSC) has updated the Guide to Financial Operations, Chapter XVII, Section 3 – Lapsing Transaction Deadlines for specific guidance on lapsing deadlines as they apply to specific transactions. It is recommended that all Agencies read Chapter XVII in its ENTIRETY, since it contains valuable reminders related to Lapsing.

Agencies should review appropriations scheduled to lapse on June 28, 2024 - utilizing the SFS report NYKK0004 as detailed in the Guide to Financial Operations, Chapter XVII, Section, 2.A.1 – NYKK004 Appropriations Due To and Not Due To Lapse Report and report any discrepancies to OSC as instructed.

Agencies should monitor the pending transactions for lapsing budgets utilizing SFS report NYAP1547 as detailed in the Guide to Financial Operations, Chapter XVII, Section 2.A.2 - NYAP1547 Pending Transactions for Lapsing Budgets Report, and take appropriate action on each transaction included on the report.

Agencies are also encouraged to visit the Lapsing Information for State Agencies page at: https://www.osc.ny.gov/state-agencies/events-and-deadlines.