Travel Advisory No. 12

Travel Advisory
Office of Operations
Bureau of State Expenditures
Advisory Name
GFO Update – XIII.3 & XIII.4 – AC 160-S/SFS Mileage Detail Page
Date Issued
Date Last Updated


To clarify how to claim reimbursement for mileage using the SFS Mileage Detail page in lieu of form AC 160-S.


The Office of the State Comptroller updated Sections XIII.3 – Record Retention – Travel and Expense and XIII.4 – Employee Travel Expense Reimbursement regarding traveler and proxy use of the Statement of Automobile Travel (AC 160-S) and the appropriate level of detail to enter into the SFS Mileage Detail page, as follows:

  • For online agencies: Travelers, or their proxies, must complete the SFS Mileage Detail page to document mileage claims line by line, between destination points. When a proxy enters and submits an expense report into the SFS on the traveler’s behalf, the proxy must attach the AC 160-S completed by the traveler to support the line by line mileage claims in the SFS Mileage Detail page.  However, travelers who enter expense reports directly into SFS are not required to complete and attach the AC 160-S to the expense report.
  • For bulkload agencies: Travelers must complete the AC 160-S when claiming reimbursement for mileage. The agency must maintain a copy of the completed form.


GFO Section - XIII.3 - Record Retention - Travel and Expense

GFO Section - XIII.4 - Employee Travel Expense Reimbursement