Travel Advisory No. 15

Travel Advisory
Office of Operations
Bureau of State Expenditures
Advisory Name
COVID 19: Travel and Expense Temporary Exceptions
Date Issued
Date Last Updated


COVID-19: Travel and Expense Temporary Exceptions


Effective August 20, 2021, the temporary eligibility for full personal vehicle mileage reimbursement is no longer applicable for business-related travel when a more cost-effective option is available. The update is a result of the State’s decision to lift COVID-19 restrictions and agencies returning to pre-pandemic operation.

For information about determining the most economical method of travel in the best interest of the State, employees must follow established mileage guidance. Please refer to the Guide to Financial Operations (GFO) Chapter XIII, Section 4 – Employee Travel Expense Reimbursement, the Office of the State Comptroller’s (OSC) Travel Manual and information from the Travel Training Series: Per Diems and Mileage slides 15-34.

Until further notice, employees may continue to use electronic signatures to certify travel forms requiring the employee’s signature, including the AC 132-S. Please see below for additional information.

AC 132-S Certification Signature:

In accordance with GFO Chapter XIII, Section 2.C –Expense Report Certification, employees must certify on an expense report that the expenses claimed are just, true and correct and, therefore, appropriate to pay. To meet this requirement, employees may be required to sign a certification form such as the AC 132-S, Employee Report of Travel Expenses and Claim for Payment. This form can either be submitted to a proxy for processing, or submitted through the proper supervisory chain to the finance/travel unit following the agency’s internal procedures.

We recognize employees who are telecommuting may be unable to print an AC 132-S for physical signature or provide it to a proxy or supervisor. In these circumstances, employees may email an electronically signed AC 132-S to the proxy or supervisor, attesting in the body of the email that the expenses are just, true, and correct, and appropriate to pay. The email should be attached in SFS upon submission of the expense report. If employees need guidance with electronically signing the AC 132-S, please contact your agency’s IT office.

Please note: Electronic certification signatures are not limited to AC 132-S use and this method is permitted for other travel forms that require an employee signature.



GFO Chapter XIII, Section 2.C -Expense Report Certification

GFO Chapter XIII, Section 4 -Employee Travel Expense Reimbursement

OSC Travel Manual