NY-Sun Incentive Program (Follow-Up)

Issued Date
June 20, 2018
New York State Energy Research and Development Authority


To determine the extent of implementation of the two recommendations in our initial audit report, NY-Sun Incentive Program (Report 2015-S-91).


The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (Authority) is charged with oversight of the NY-Sun Incentive Program (NY-Sun), which is part of New York's Clean Energy Standard (CES). The CES is designed to fight climate change, reduce harmful air pollution, and ensure a diverse and reliable low carbon energy supply. To help achieve these goals, the CES requires that 50 percent of New York's electricity come from renewable energy sources such as solar and wind by 2030. NY-Sun was launched in 2012 by the Public Service Commission (PSC) to help establish a self-sustaining and self-sufficient solar industry in the State.

Our initial audit report, which was issued on September 2, 2016, examined whether the Authority achieved the objectives required by the PSC for NY-Sun, including: confirming geographic equity of investment; ensuring the NY-Sun projects are increasing renewable energy in New York’s power system; and properly administering NY-Sun. We found that the Authority’s oversight of NY-Sun was adequate; however, we identified two areas where additional controls were necessary to ensure that projects are adequately monitored for timely completion and inspected for quality assurance, and that deviations from policy are properly documented.

Key Finding

We found the Authority has addressed the problems we identified in the initial audit, having implemented both of the prior audit’s recommendations.

Other Related Audit/Report of Interest

New York State Energy Research and Development Authority: NY-Sun Incentive Program (2015-S-91)

Brian Reilly

State Government Accountability Contact Information:
Audit Director: Brian Reilly
Phone: (518) 474-3271; Email: [email protected]
Address: Office of the State Comptroller; Division of State Government Accountability; 110 State Street, 11th Floor; Albany, NY 12236