State Audits by Agency or Authority
You can bulk download agency audits issued between 2009 to present.
Addiction Services and Supports, Office of
Oversight of Contract Expenditures of Palladia, Inc. (Follow-Up)
Issued: 12/20/24
Addiction Support Services During Emergencies
Issued: 11/02/23
Oversight of Chemical Dependence Residential Services (Follow-Up)
Issued: 10/30/23
Oversight of Chemical Dependence Residential Services
Issued: 12/03/21
Oversight of Contract Expenditures of Palladia, Inc.
Issued: 08/18/21
Oversight of Drug Disposal
Issued: 05/15/20
Problem Gambling Treatment Program (Follow-Up)
Issued: 05/07/20
Aging, New York City Department for the
Oversight of the Home Delivered Meals Program (Follow-up)
Issued: 04/10/24
Case Management
Issued: 07/26/23
Oversight of the Home Delivered Meals Program
Issued: 01/20/22
Congregate Meal Services for the Elderly (Follow-Up)
Issued: 11/19/19
Congregate Meal Services for the Elderly
Issued: 01/11/18
Aging, Office for the
Selected State Agencies’ Roles in Financial Literacy (Follow-Up)
Issued: 10/23/24
Monitoring of Select Programs (Follow-Up)
Issued: 07/12/23
Selected State Agencies’ Roles in Financial Literacy
Issued: 09/14/22
Monitoring of Select Programs
Issued: 01/21/22
Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program (Follow-Up)
Issued: 12/31/20
Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program
Issued: 10/03/19
Social Adult Day Services
Issued: 12/02/15
Agriculture and Markets, Department of
Protection of Managed Pollinators (Honey Bees) (Follow-Up)
Issued: 07/12/24
Oversight of the Nourish New York Program
Issued: 09/21/23
Protection of Managed Pollinators (Honey Bees)
Issued: 01/19/23
Oversight of the Farm-to-School Program (Follow-Up)
Issued: 09/08/22
Oversight of Industrial Hemp (Follow-Up)
Issued: 07/16/21
Oversight of the Farm-to-School Program
Issued: 04/19/21
Oversight of Industrial Hemp
Issued: 12/09/19
Oversight of Weights and Measures Programs (Follow-Up)
Issued: 07/29/19
Safety of Seized Dogs (Follow-Up)
Issued: 06/18/19
Annual Assessment of Market Orders for 2015 and 2016
Issued: 05/16/19
Safety of Seized Dogs
Issued: 04/16/18
Oversight of Weights and Measures Programs
Issued: 12/01/17
Food Safety Monitoring (Follow-Up)
Issued: 07/06/15
Uncollected Penalties (Follow-Up)
Issued: 06/17/15
Annual Assessment of Market Orders for 2012, 2013, and 2014
Issued: 05/07/15
Dairy Inspections
Issued: 10/06/14
Food Safety Monitoring
Issued: 01/30/14
Uncollected Penalties
Issued: 07/31/13
Disposal of Electronic Devices
Issued: 04/25/13
Albany Port District Commission
Select Financial Management Practices
Issued: 11/05/15
Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services, Office of
Problem Gambling Treatment Program
Issued: 02/05/19
Oversight of Contract Expenditures of Phoenix House New York
Issued: 01/09/19
Drug and Alcohol Treatment Program – Provider Claiming of Depreciation Expenses (Follow-Up)
Issued: 09/05/18
Contracted Programs With Puerto Rican Organization to Motivate, Enlighten and Serve Addicts, Inc.
Issued: 06/08/16
Samaritan Village, Inc. – Chemical Dependency Services Program
Issued: 02/28/14
Fire Prevention, Safety and Control
Issued: 11/21/13
Chemical Dependency Program Payments to Selected Contractors in New York City (Follow-Up)
Issued: 04/10/13
Contract with Daytop Village, Inc. (Follow-Up)
Issued: 04/10/13
Attorney General, Office of the
Accounts Receivable Collections
Issued: 03/13/13
Battery Park City Authority
Selected Aspects of Discretionary Spending
Issued: 12/10/13