What information is required to create a new Procurement Contract / Amendment?
The Procurement Contract / Amendment will need to be created in the State Financial System (SFS) first. Please use the appropriate audit type in SFS based on the chart below.
EON | Electronic – Construction Team |
ECN | Electronic – Construction Team Quick |
ECT | Electronic – Qualified Quick Contract |
EGG | Electronic – Grants Team (EDSS submissions only) |
EBP | Electronic – Lowest Price (IFB) |
EQM | Electronic – Architect/Engineering, Non-Quick |
EBV | Electronic – Best Value (RFP) |
In EDSS, you can search by the Audit ID or PeopleSoft ID to locate the Procurement Contract / Amendment. EDSS will pull the Procurement Contract / Amendment header information from SFS in for you.
When will a Procurement Contract / Amendment submitted through EDSS be received by the Bureau of Contracts (BOC)?
Contracts entered into SFS and successfully submitted through EDSS are received up until 3:00pm Eastern Time. Transactions received after 3:00pm Eastern Time will be received the following business day.
What are BOC’s receiving times?
Transactions arriving via interagency mail, delivery or submitted electronically before 3:00pm Eastern Time will be received the same business day.
Transactions arriving via interagency mail, delivery or submitted electronically after 3:00pm Eastern Time will be received the next business day.
What if I cannot find my Procurement Contract / Amendment when searching in EDSS?
Verify that the Procurement Contract / Amendment is entered into SFS and Pending OSC review. Confirm that the Audit Type is one of those listed on the chart above and that the transaction was created with a valid Statewide Financial System Contract Business Unit / Department ID combination (refer to the Guide to Financial Operations Chapter XI.2). If the Audit Type entered is not one of those listed on the chart above or the Business Unit / Department ID entered is not designated for use with contract transactions, the transaction will need to be rejected (contact OSC at 518-408-4672 or email [email protected]) and a new one created in SFS.
If my original Procurement Contract was not submitted through EDSS, can I submit an amendment to that Procurement Contract through EDSS?
Yes. Even if the original Procurement Contract was not submitted through EDSS, you can still submit an amendment to that Procurement Contract through EDSS.
How will I know which documents to attach to support my Procurement Contract / Amendment?
Any document(s) you would send in hard form to the Bureau of Contracts (BOC) can be uploaded into the EDSS. EDSS will accept most of the major file types such as Word, Excel or PDF, the only requirement is that scanned document(s) (PDFs) be Optical Character Recognition (OCR) searchable.
For information on Adobe Acrobat and PDFs please see the Acrobat User Guide.
Should I upload password protected documents?
No. Electronic PDF documents must be submitted to OSC without security, restrictions, passwords, or encryption enabled. Please remember to remove any restrictions from PDF documents before submission. EDSS is part of OSC’s Online Services, which includes security measures to protect against unauthorized access or modification to documents it stores.
How should I name the documents I upload?
Be as specific and clear as possible when naming your documents. This will assist the auditors in their review.
How should I organize and upload my Procurement Contract documents?
When possible, documents should be uploaded and placed in one of the following four buckets;
- Transaction Identifying Documents
- Contract
- Procurement Documents
- Vendor Responsibility and Integrity
The Documentation Order Guides are available at the links below and display the documents sorted into their appropriate category. Submitting your contract or amendment in this order will assist in OSC's review.
Procurement Contracts and Amendments and Construction Contracts, Contract Amendments / Change Orders.
Please note, not every Procurement Contract will contain or need everything listed and all PDFs must be Optical Character Recognition (OCR) searchable.
For information on Adobe Acrobat and PDFs please see the Acrobat User Guide.
How should I organize and upload my Procurement Amendment / Construction Contracts, Contract Amendments / Change Order documents?
When possible, documents should uploaded and placed in one of the following four buckets;
- Transaction Identifying Documents
- Amendment
- Supporting Documents
- Vendor Responsibility and Integrity
The Documentation Order Guides are available at the links below and display the documents sorted into their appropriate category. Submitting your contract or amendment in this order will assist in OSC's review.
Procurement Contracts and Amendments and Construction Contracts, Contract Amendments / Change Orders.
Please note, not every Procurement Amendment will contain or need everything listed and all PDFs must be Optical Character Recognition (OCR) searchable.
For information an Adobe Acrobat and PDFs please see the Acrobat User Guide.
Is there a file size limitation for uploads into EDSS?
Yes, the maximum allowed file size is 25.00 MB per file. If your file exceeds 25.00 MB you will need to split it into files no larger than 25.00 MB.
For information on Adobe Acrobat and PDFs please see the Acrobat User Guide.
Can I submit information to BOC through a CD-ROM, Zip Drive, Flash Drive or other electronic device?
No, the only format to submit electronic documents to BOC is through EDSS. Any documents contained on a CD-ROM, Zip Drive, Flash Drive, etc. can be dragged and dropped into EDSS just as you would a document from your computer.
If the auditor requests additional documentation and / or information, do I need to upload the entire scanned file again?
No, if additional documentation and / or information is requested by the auditor you should upload only the requested information (e.g., Certified Bid Tabulation). Select Other as the document type, name the file appropriately (e.g., Certified Bid Tabulation) and upload the requested information.
If my EDSS Procurement Contract / Amendment is non-approved and I want to resubmit it, how should I enter it in EDSS?
If your EDSS Procurement Contract / Amendment was previously non-approved, you will need to re-enter the Procurement Contract / Amendment as a "New" EDSS Procurement Contract / Amendment. The SFS has a system limitation that prevents amending a non-approved original contract transaction.
How should I follow-up on the status of my EDSS Procurement Contract / Amendment if needed?
Please contact OSC at 518-408-4672 or email [email protected].
How can I find an EDSS Procurement Contract / Amendment that isn’t appearing on the “Transactions in Progress” table?
Approved and non-approved transactions remain on the Transactions in Progress table for 15 days. After 15 days they drop off the table. To locate transactions previously approved or non-approved in EDSS you can use the Search function located in the menu of the Home Page. If you are unable to locate your previously approved or non-approved transaction using the Search function, please contact OSC at 518-408-4672 or email [email protected].