CUNY Bulletin No. CU-146

July 1, 2002 CUNY Increment Payments
Date Issued
June 26, 2002


To explain the automatic processing of increments and provide agencies with related instructions

Affected Employees

CUNY Professional Staff Employees in certain titles

Effective Date

Payroll Period 7- Current, checks dated 7/11/02

OSC Automatic Processing

After payroll processing is complete for Period 7C, OSC will automatically apply increments to annual salaried employees in grade 980 who are active or on a paid leave based on the following increment codes and eligibility criteria:

  • Increment code is 0007 and the employee's salary rate is equal to one of the steps on the salary schedule below the job rate of the schedule
  • Increment code is 0020 and the employee's salary rate is at the job rate of the schedule
  • Increment code is 0030 and the employee's salary rate is at the 1st Longevity Step of the schedule

For eligible employees, a row will automatically be inserted into the employee's Job Data record using the Action of Pay Rt Chg and Reason of INC (Increment). This row will reflect the new incremented salary.

Updated Increment Code

Increment codes will be updated as follows:

  • Employee's increment code is 0007 and incremented salary is below maximum salary, increment code will remain 0007
  • Employee's increment code is 0007 and incremented salary is equal to maximum salary, increment code will be changed to 0003
  • Employee's increment code is 0008, increment code will be changed to 0007
  • Employee's increment code is 0020 or 0030, increment code will remain unchanged

Employees who are eligible to have their increment codes updated will have a row automatically inserted with an Action of Data Chg and a Reason of CIC (Correct Increment Code)


In mid-June a list of employees in the specialized title HEO/Univ Admin (Job code 016855) was faxed to agencies.

Agencies must determine if the employee in the specialized title is entitled to receive a July increment. If the employee is entitled to receive the increment, agencies must request a Pay Rt Chg effective 7/1/2002 using the reason code INC. Agencies must request the new incremented salary and enter the increment code of 0003. A breakdown of the salary must be reported in the Status Reason fields.

After the automatic increment has been processed, listings will be available in Reveal for:

  • Employees who received the automatic increment (NHRP704 Mass Sal/Increment Report)
  • Employees who did not receive the automatic increment because the increment code was missing, the salary was off step or Position Data and Job Data did not match (NHRP709 Mass Sal Increase Exception Report)

Agency Instructions

Agencies must submit transactions in pay period 8C to pay eligible employees who did not receive the automatic increment in pay period 7C. Agencies must request a Pay Rt Chg, effective 7/1/2002, on the Job Action Request Panel using the reason of INC. The incremented salary and the new increment code must be reported in the appropriate fields.

Revised Increment Code Chart

A revised increment code chart is attached and is to be used by agencies after pay period 7C is processed. Effective pay period 8C, checks dated 7/25/2002, agencies must use the revised chart to determine increment codes when submitting pay changes, position changes and transfers.


Questions regarding this bulletin may be directed to the University Manager of Payroll Systems and Operations at CUNY Central Office.