To provide information and instructions regarding the following:
- Contract Pay and Additional Pay for Contract Pay teachers
- Submitting Salary Withholding for 21P employees
- Reporting Time Entry earnings
- Reporting actions at the beginning of the academic year
- Teachers not returning in the Fall of 2014
- Change in pay Basis Codes
- Transfers between agencies
- Work schedule for CAL teachers
- Restoration of health insurance for Contract pay teachers
- General Deductions for Contract Pay teachers
Affected Employees
Institution teachers in the following agencies:
- Department of Corrections and Community Services
- Office of Mental Health
- School for the Blind
- School for the Deaf
- Office of Children and Family Services
Effective Date(s)
Effective 09/01/14 for CAL employees and the beginning of the academic year for 21P employees (Pay period 11L and 12L for Institution and Pay Period 12L Administration)
Contract Pay Teacher: Method of Payment
In accordance with the 2011-2015 PEF/New York State Agreement, teachers who have elected to be paid over the school year will be paid based on the actual number of days (excluding pass days) within the teacher’s academic year. Biweekly payments are calculated as follows:
- Annual Salary Rate divided by Number of Days in Academic Year = Daily Rate of Pay (prorated if the teacher works less than 100%)
- Daily Rate of Pay multiplied by ten (10) = Biweekly Contract Amount (excluding Location and/or Inconvenience Pay)
A teacher will only be paid for the number of days in which they are Active within a pay period.
Example: If a teacher’s academic year in a correctional facility commences 09/02/14, the first check dated 09/18/14 will include two (2) days of pay since the employee will be Active for two (2) days in the pay period beginning 08/21/14 and ending 09/03/14.
OSC Actions
Automatic Restoration of Contract Pay
After the payroll is audited for Institution Pay Period 11L and 12L and Administration Pay Period 12L, OSC will automatically insert a row on the Contract Pay page for the academic year 2014-2015 for employees with the Pay Basis Code 21P.
Note: For 21P employees who are on an unpaid Leave of Absence, OSC will not automatically insert a row.
The Contract Pay page will be automatically populated for all employees with the Pay Basis Code 21P who are Hired, Rehired, Concurrently Hired or have a position change effective the first date of the agency’s academic year or later. Please refer to the Payroll Bulletin No. 1328.
Reporting Additional Pay for 21P Employees
Automatic Restoration of Location Pay (LMH, LOC and LOM) for 21P Employees
OSC will automatically restart Location Pay (LMH, LOC and LOM) with the effective date of the beginning of the contract for employees with the Pay Basis Code 21P as long as there was a previous row on the Additional Pay page with the End Date of last year’s contract end date.
Note: Location Pay (LMH, LOC and LOM) must be started by the agency if there is no previous row on the Additional Pay page with the End Date of last year’s contract end date or if the employee is returning from an unpaid Leave of Absence. All other Additional Pay earnings codes must be restarted by the agency (e.g. Inconvenience Pay Full – IPF).
Prevention of Automatic Restoration of Location Pay (LMH, LOC and LOM)
To stop the automatic restoration of Location Pay, the agency must insert a row with the Effective Date and End Date equal to the first day of the new contract date for that specific agency before the automatic restoration occurs.
Manual Update of Location Pay/Inconvenience Pay for 21P Employees
If the employee does not have a Location Pay record on the Additional Pay page or the End Date is not equal to last year’s Contract End Date for the employee’s current department, the agency must create or update the Location Pay record.
OSC will not restart Inconvenience Pay regardless of whether the employee has an Inconvenience Pay record on the Additional Pay page. Therefore, if the employee is eligible for Inconvenience Pay, the agency must create or update the Inconvenience Pay record.
Prevention of Additional Pay Overpayment for Active Employees
For teachers who are currently Active, if the first day of the academic year is mid-pay period, the teacher will be paid Additional Pay earnings for the entire pay period since there is no status change reported on the teacher’s Job Data page.
To prevent this overpayment, the agency must submit the appropriate adjustment code on the additional Pay page to deduct the Location and/or Inconvenience Pay earnings that the teacher is not entitled to receive.
Salary Withholding
Reporting Salary Withholding for Contract Pay Teachers
For all Contract Pay teachers not previously placed on the Salary Withholding Program, Earnings Code SWC (Salary Withholding Contract Pay) must be entered on the Additional Pay page effective the date of hire or the first day of the current pay period, whichever is later. The agency must enter the last day of the fifth (5th) pay period in the End Date field. The earnings will be automatically calculated and withheld until the pay period immediately following the End Date. The Salary Withholding Balance page will be automatically updated to reflect the number of days withheld.
Reporting Salary Withholding for CAL Teachers
For all teachers with Pay Basis Code CAL, Earnings Code SWP (Salary Withholding Program) must be used to place an employee on the Salary Withholding Program.
Reporting Time Entry Earnings (Lost Time, Extra Time and Salary Lump Sum Payments)
Override codes must be used by agencies whose academic year is other than 210 days to ensure the teachers (CAL and 21P) receive the appropriate earnings when reporting lost time, extra time or a salary lump sum payment.
Lost Time – LTO (Lost Time Override)
Use Earnings Code LTO to report lost time or to pay back lost time previously deducted in error. Use a minus sign before the amount when reporting the initial lost time transaction. When using this code, the agency must enter the date, number of days and the amount of lost time. Location Pay and Inconvenience Pay earnings must be included in the lost time calculation.
Extra Time – EXO (Extra Time Override)
Use Earnings Code EXO to report extra time or to deduct extra time previously paid in error. When using this code, the agency must enter the date, number of days and the amount of extra time.
Salary Lump Sum Payment for Calendar and 21P Teachers
When an employee leaves State service or moves into a bargaining unit not under the Salary Withholding Program, the salary lump sum payment is paid as follows:
- CAL teacher whose salary was withheld as a CAL teacher - Report Earnings Code SLS (Salary LSP-Annuals) on the Time Entry page.
Exception: Report Earnings Code SLO (Salary LSP Override) if the salary at the time of withholding was higher than the salary at the time of payment.
- CAL teacher whose salary was withheld as a 21P teacher - Report Earnings Code SLO (Salary LSP Override) on the Time Entry page and calculate the amount of the salary lump sum payment using the academic year method and the salary at the time of withholding or payment, whichever is higher.
- 21P teacher whose salary was withheld as a 21P teacher - Report Earnings Code SLO (Salary LSP Override) on the Time
- Entry page and calculate the amount of the salary lump sum payment using the academic year method and the salary at the time of withholding or payment, whichever is higher.
- 21P teacher whose salary was withheld as a CAL teacher - Report Earnings Code SLS (Salary LSP-Annuals) on the Time Entry page.
Exception: Report Earnings Code SLO (Salary LSP Override) if the salary at the time of withholding was higher than the salary at the time of payment.
Effective Date of Actions Reported: Beginning of Academic Year
CAL Teachers
All actions reported on the Job Action Requests and Job Data pages, as well as all Location and Inconvenience Pay earnings reported on the Additional Pay page, must have an effective date of 09/01/14. This includes New Hires, Rehires, Returns from Leave, Transfers, Position Changes, Data Changes, Termination, etc.
21P Teachers
- All actions reported on the Job Action Requests or Job Data pages, as well as all Location and Inconvenience Pay reported on the Additional Pay page that are effective at the beginning of the academic year, must have the first day of the academic year as the effective date.
- The Contract Pay page must be completed using the pre-determined academic year dates regardless of whether the action is effective at the beginning of the academic year or after the academic year has commenced.
- The Contract Pay page will be automatically populated for all employees with the Pay Basis Code 21P who are Hired, Rehired, Concurrently Hired, or have a position change effective the first date of the agency’s academic year or later. Please refer to Payroll Bulletin No. 409 issued 07/01/03.
- The Contract Pay page will be automatically populated for all employees with the Pay Basis Code 21P who have remained Active in the same agency during the summer and have no change effective the first day of the agency’s academic year.
Teachers Not Returning in the Fall of 2014
The agency must terminate all teachers (Pay Basis Codes CAL, 21P or FEE) who will not be returning in the Fall of 2014 by entering the Action Code TER on the Job Data page effective 09/01/14.
Changes in Pay
Agencies must report changes in the Pay Basis Code (CAL to 21P or 21P to CAL) at the beginning of the academic year.
Basis Code
If a teacher is changing the Pay Basis Codes in the Fall of 2014, the agency must ensure that the position reflects the appropriate Pay Basis Code.
21P to CAL
When the teacher remains in the same agency, use one of the following procedures:
- If the teacher is in the same position, complete a Position Data form requesting a change in Pay Basis Code effective 09/01/14. E-mail the form to the Position Management mailbox. OSC will update the Position Data and Job Data pages effective 09/01/14 to reflect the change.
- If the teacher moves to another position, the agency must request the Action of POS on the Job Action Requests page to move the teacher into a CAL position effective 09/01/14.
CAL to 21P
When the teacher remains in the same agency, use one of the following procedures:
- If the teacher stays in the same position, the agency must complete a Position Data form requesting a change in Pay Basis Code effective 09/01/14 to stop the CAL payments from starting. E-mail the form to the Position Management mailbox. OSC will update the Position Data and Job Data pages effective 09/01/14 to reflect the change. The agency must set up a new contract on the Contract pay page reporting the pre-determined academic year begin and end dates. The 21P payments will start when the begin date of the contract is reached. If 09/01/14 is the beginning of the academic year, the Position Change will cause the contract to be automatically added.
- If the teacher moves to another position, the agency must request the action of POS on the Job Action Requests page using 09/01/14 as the effective date to stop the CAL payments. The agency must set up a new contract on the Contract Pay page using the pre-determined academic year begin and end dates. If 09/01/14 is the beginning of the academic year, the Position Change will cause the contract to be automatically added.
NOTE: The Pay Basis Code of the NYS Position must be the same as the budgeted position. If the NYS Position has multiple incumbents, the position attributes can only be changed if the change impacts all employees. Otherwise, the employee must be transferred to an appropriate position.
Reporting Retroactive Changes in Pay Basis Code
Retroactive Changes in Pay Basis Code Entered After the Beginning of the Academic Year
21P to CAL
- Effective 09/01/14, request a Position Change to move the employee into a CAL position or notify the Position Management Unit to change the employee’s Pay Basis Code to CAL on the existing position.
- Since earnings on the Additional Pay page were ended when the 21P contract ended, agencies must restart the Additional Pay earnings effective 09/01/14.
- If the change in Pay Basis Code is reported after Institution Pay Period 11L or 12L (depending on the contract begin date) or Administration Pay Period 12L is processed, submit RGS for all retroactive CAL earnings due from 09/01/2014. An overpayment recovery must be submitted to recover any contract earnings.
CAL to 21P
- Effective 09/01/14 in order to stop the CAL payments, request a Position Change to move the employee into a 21P position or send an e-mail to the Position Management mailbox to change the employee’s Pay Basis Code to 21P on the existing position.
- If the academic contract year begins after 09/01/14, the agency must enter a contract on the Contract Pay page. If the academic year begins 09/01/14, the Position Change will cause the contract to be automatically added.
- For earnings on the Additional Pay page, insert an End Date of 08/31/14 to end the earnings, if necessary. The agency must then restart the earnings effective the beginning of the academic year.
Note: The Pay Basis Code of the NYS Position must be the same as the budgeted position. If the NYS Position has multiple incumbents, the position attributes can only be changed if the change impacts all employees. Otherwise, the employee must be transferred to an appropriate position.
Retroactive processing will process an overpayment for the days between 09/01/14 and the beginning of the agency’s academic year; the contract pay process will automatically pay any retroactive money due.
Transferring Between Agencies – Fall 2014
Agencies must use the following instructions when a teacher is transferring to another agency.
CAL to 21P
The former agency must terminate the CAL teacher effective 09/01/14.
The hiring agency must:
- Rehire the 21P teacher effective the first day of the academic year.
- Request a Pay Change effective the first day of the academic year.
The system will automatically populate the contract dates when the employee is rehired.
21P to CAL
The hiring agency must request a transfer on the Transfer Requests page effective 09/01/14.
Pay Basis Code is 21P in Both Agencies
The hiring agency must request a transfer on the Transfer Requests page using the first day of the academic year as the effective date.
The system will automatically populate contract dates after the transfer request is approved.
Pay Basis Code is CAL in Both Agencies
The hiring agency must request a transfer on the Transfer Requests page effective 09/01/14.
Note: For any movement from Institution to Administration pay cycles, the former agency must terminate the employee and the new agency must rehire the employee.
Work Schedule for CAL Teachers
The work schedule for a CAL teacher must be YYYYYYY.
Restoration of Health Insurance for Contract Pay Teachers
The Department of Civil Service submits a file to OSC to restart health insurance for Contract Pay teachers. Questions concerning health insurance should be referred to the agency Health Benefits Administrator of the Department of Civil Service.
General Deductions
Agencies must review the General Deductions page for all Contract Pay teachers and restart all applicable deductions previously cancelled (maintenance and union insurances) as stated in Payroll Bulletin No. 1328 issued 06/13/14.
Tax Information
Agencies must review the employee’s Federal, State and Local tax data records and verify that the marital status and withholding allowance are correct.