State Agencies Bulletin No. 1995.1

Pilot Program Establishing a Temporary Overtime Rate for Employees in Certain Titles Represented by the Public Employees Federation (PEF) or the Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) Working at a Department of Health (DOH) Facility
Date Issued
July 28, 2022
Background Updated

This bulletin is superseded by Payroll Bulletin No. 1995.2.


The purpose of this bulletin is to provide information and processing instructions regarding the implementation of a pilot program establishing a temporary overtime rate for employees in certain titles represented by PEF or CSEA working at a DOH facility.

Affected Employees

Employees in certain Operational Services Unit (BU03), Institutional Services Unit (BU04), or Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Unit (BU05) titles who work at one of the following DOH facilities are affected:

Deptid Agency
12030 The Helen Hayes Hospital
12120 Oxford Home for Veterans
12150 NYS Veterans Home St. Albans
12180 Western New York Home Batavia
12190 NYS Veterans Home @ Montrose


The Memorandum of Agreements (MOAs) between the State of New York, DOH, CSEA, PEF, the New York State Correctional Officers and Police Benevolent Association (NYSCOPBA), and Council 82 AFSCME AFL-CIO (C82) allows DOH to establish a temporary overtime rate of 2.5 times the employee’s regular rate of pay for employees in certain titles.

The new overtime rate applies to all overtime earned during shifts that begin at or after 11:00 pm on 12/01/2021 and at or before 10:59 pm on 08/31/2022. For any shift that begins at or after 11:00 pm on 08/31/2022, the overtime rate will revert to the rate in place prior to implementation of the pilot program unless extended by mutual agreement of the parties.

The overtime factor used by the New York State Payroll System (PayServ) for affected employees at a DOH facility who are represented by PEF or CSEA is .00120.

Effective Dates

The new overtime rate is effective at 11:00 pm on 12/01/2021.  Agencies should begin using the new Time Entry Overtime Earnings Codes in Institution Pay Period 23L, checks dated 02/24/2022.

Eligibility Criteria

Employees who work at a DOH facility and have overtime earnings effective 11:00 pm on 12/01/2021 through the end of the pilot program in one of the following titles must be paid at a rate of 2.5 times their regular rate of pay using one of the new Time Entry Overtime Earnings Codes:

Title Job Code Title Code
Adaptive Equpmnt Spec 006843 7310300
Audiologist 2 005854 5931220
Chf Housekeeper 1 003193 3004701
Cleaner 003205 3014000
Consult Occupl Ther 005820 5902200
Cook 003232 3102300
Dental Assnt 005568 5350200
Dental Hygienist 005588 5359000
Dietician Techn 003227 3101050
Dietitian 2 003229 3101200
Facility Operations Assnt 1 022272 3010100
Facility Optns Assnt 1 Grnds 023165 3010120
Food Service Wkr 1 003264 3124200
Food Service Wkr 2 003266 3124300
Food Service Wkr 3 003268 3124400
Head Cook 003233 3102600
Head Housekeeper 003192 3004600
Head Occupl Therapist 005817 5901600
Head Physcial Ther 005784 5700600
Head Recreation Ther 005837 5903600
Hosp Attendant 1 005615 5501100
Housekeeper 003189 3004000
Infectn Control Nrs 005700 5549100
Janitor 003207 3016000
Launderer 003441 3302200
Lic Mstr Soc Wrkr 1 019228 8156100
Lic Mstr Soc Wrkr 2 018994   8156200
Licensed Prac Nrs 005594 5500200
Licensed Resp Ther 1 020532 5565100
Licensed Resp Ther 2 020533 5565200
Licensed Resp Ther 3 005720 5565300
Maintce Assnt 006803 7202000
Maintce Assnt Painter 006808 7202150
Maintce Supvr 1 006775 7101300
Maintce Supvr 2 006776 7101500
Maintce Supvr 3 006800 7150300
Medical Assnt 021758 2587000
Medical Lab Tech 1 006083 6225100
Medical Lab Tech 2 006084 6225200
Medical Soc Wkr A 007221 8108202
Medical Soc Wkr B 007222 8108203
Medical Technlgst 1 006078 6221100
Medical Technlgst 2 006079 6221200
Motor Veh Oper 007010 7616100
Nrsng Hme Act Assnt 1 018428 5906110
Nrsng Hme Act Assnt 2 018354 5906120
Nurse 1 005598 5500510
Nurse 2 005601 5500520
Nurse 2 Rehab 005609 5500550
Nurse 3 Gertrc 019080 5500533
Nurse 3 Rehab 016305 5500535
Nurse Admr 1 005636 5510701
Nurse Admr 1 Rehab 005638 5510730
Nurse Admr 2 Rehab 005642 5510770
Nursing Assnt 1 018028 5530100
Nursing Assnt Cert 018073 5530210
Nutrition Srvs Admr 1 003230 3101500
Occupl Therapist 005814 5901200
Occupl Therpy Ast 2 005813 5900202
Pharmacy Aide 006102 6301000
Phlebotomist 006031 6203200
Physcl Ther Asnt 2 005789 5702302
Plant Supt C 006770 7100001
Plant Util Assnt 006985 7520010
Plant Util Engr 1 006990 7520100
Plant Util Engr 2 006991 7520200
Post Doctoral Fellow 006022 6186300
Prin Radiol Tech 006058 6212500
Rehab Aide 018197 8343000
Rehab Hosp Cmty Rel S 001951 2265200
Rehab Hosp Ed&S Dev Spec Nrsg 001092 1471520
Rehab Hosp Nrsg Asst 1 018731 5530400
Rehab Hosp Nrsg Asst 2 018728 5530420
Rehab Techngst 1 007609 8341510
Rehab Techngst 2 007610 8341520
Senr Occupl Ther 005815 5901300
Senr Oper Rm Techn 005619 5503300
Senr Physical Ther 005783 5700300
Senr Radiol Tech 006056 6212300
Soc Work Assnt 2 007367 8159120
Soc Work Assnt 3 007369 8159130
Soc Worker 1 007373 8159210
Speech Lan P A Pg C 1 005857 5932510
Speech Lang Pathgst 2 005856 5932320
Srvc&Repr Mechanic HVAC-R 023201 7347140
Supvg Housekeeper 003191 3004500
Supvg Janitor 003208 3016500
Supvg Licnse Prac Nrs 005597 5500220
Supvg Med Soc Worker 007224 8108500
Supvr Grounds 000833 1001500
Trades Generalist 023166 7120000
Trades Spec Carpenter 023168 7120100
Trades Spec Electrician 023172 7120120
Trades Spec Painter 023171 7120110

OSC Actions:

OSC has created the following new Time Entry Earnings Codes to report overtime and overtime related payments for employees eligible to receive overtime at 2.5 times their regular rate of pay:

New 2.5x Earns Code Description Associated Retro Code Original Earns Code
C25 Covid-19 OT for Ann-2080 2.5 RC5 C72
CH5 Covid-19 OT Hry/Biw 2.5 RO5 O19
O25 OT for Ann 2080 - 2.5 R25 OCS
OH5 OT - Hourly/Biweekly 2.5 RH5 OTK
OI5 OT 2.5 w Int/Part Inc PEF/CSEA N/A OIP/OIC/OIS
OR5 Overtime Recall Ann 2080 2.5 RR5 ORC
OS5 Recall Standby OT PEF 2.5 RS5 ORP
SO5 Recall SBY OT CSEA Class 2.5 RA5 ORS
ST2 Standby OT Adjust – CSEA 2.5 RA2 SOY
ST5 Standby OT Adjust-PEF 2.5 RP5 SOP

Agencies should continue using either Earnings Code OTO – OT Override or Earnings Code CVO – Covid-19 OT Override for overtime payments that cannot be calculated by PayServ.

Agency Actions

Beginning in Institution Pay Period 23L

To report overtime earnings related to the pilot program effective beginning 11:00 pm on 12/01/2021 (Institution), agencies must submit the appropriate New 2.5x Earns Code (as listed in OSC Actions above) on the Time Entry page or the Time Entry Interface (NPAY502) using the following procedures:

Earnings Begin Date: Effective date started
Earnings End Date: Effective date ended
Earn Code: Enter appropriate code
Hours/Units/Amount: Number of Hours/Units/Amounts, as applicable

The agency must use the overtime factor of .00120 in the calculation when submitting any payments using Earnings Code OTO – OT Override or Earnings Code CVO – Covid-19 OT Override.  Agencies must include an explanation in General Comments or Time Entry Comments that this payment has been calculated at 2.5 times the employee’s regular rate of pay as part of this pilot program.

Note: Agencies must split overtime earned before 11:00 pm on 12/01/2021 from overtime earned at or after 11:00 pm on 12/01/2021 due to the difference in the OT rate approved for payment.

Previously Paid Overtime Using Earnings Code OTO or Earnings Code CVO

If an eligible employee was previously paid overtime for the period identified above using Earnings Code OTO and a calculation using the overtime factor of .00072, the agency must calculate the correct earnings amount using the overtime factor of .00120 and enter the difference owed using Earnings Code AOR, the original Earnings Begin Date, and original Earnings End Date.

If an eligible employee was previously paid overtime for the period identified above using Earnings Code CVO and a calculation using the overtime factor of .00072, the agency must calculate the correct earnings amount using the overtime factor of .00120 and enter the difference owed using Earnings Code ACO, original Earnings Begin Date, and original Earnings End Date.

Previously Paid Overtime Using the Remaining Earnings Codes Listed Above

If an eligible employee was previously paid overtime for the period identified above using the original Earns Code, agencies must update these records on the Time Entry Page or Time Entry Interface as follows:

  • Enter the original Earns Code, original Earnings Begin Date, original Earnings End Date, and original Hours/Units/Amount as a negative value.
  • Enter the corresponding New 2.5x Earns Code, the original Earnings Begin Date, original Earnings End Date, and original Hours/Units/Amount as a positive value.

Retirement Information

Payments using the earnings codes mentioned above are included as salary for retirement purposes.

Tax Information

These earnings are taxable income, will be included in the employee’s taxable gross, and are subject to all employment and income taxes. Income taxes will be calculated using the employee’s current withholding elements in PayServ. 

The Retro Codes (RC5, RO5, R25, RH5, RR5, RS5, RA5, RA2, and RP5) are supplemental taxable income and will be included in the employee’s taxable gross subject to all employment and income taxes. 

Federal, State, and New York City income tax withholding will be calculated using the Aggregate method. Yonkers income tax withholding will be calculated using the Flat Rate method (2.30815% for Yonkers residents and 0.50% for Yonkers non-residents). 


Questions regarding this bulletin may be directed to the Payroll Earnings mailbox.

Questions regarding general deductions may be directed to the Payroll Deduction mailbox.