To notify agencies of the procedures for processing summer session payments and processing a request for a Data Change/Cor Inc Code
Affected Employees
Teachers in BU 05 who are working summer session
Effective Date
Beginning of summer session as determined by facility
Employee Status
- Contracts for 21P teachers will end on the last day of the academic year as reported in the employee's Contract Pay panel.
- Additional salary factors for 21P teachers will be automatically ended on the last day of the academic year as reported in the employee's Contract Pay panel.
- 21P teachers will remain active in their regular positions but will not be paid unless summer session is reported.
- If the teacher is 21P and is not working summer session, and will not return to work in the Fall of 2001, the agency must process a termination effective the day after the end of the employee's contract.
- Calendar (CAL) teachers will remain active in their regular positions and continue to be paid.
Agency Action in Period 6L: Data Chg/CIC
In period 6L, agencies must submit a Data Change/CIC (Correct Increment Code) on the Request Panel for all Teachers who did not receive a Performance Advance retro to September 2000 in period 5L and are below job rate for their grade. (OSC will use the increment code to pay a Performance Advance or Promotion Recalculation effective 9/1/2001 for CAL and the first day of the Contract for 21P. The increment code will be updated as described in the attachment in Bulletin 260.)
Summer Session Procedures
Time Entry:
Summer session payments must be reported using the earn code SES on the Time Entry panel. For this earn code, enter:
- Earnings begin and end dates
- Total amount of SES earnings for that pay period
- Time Entry Comments, including title, rate (see Attachment), and number of hours worked.
Additional Procedures:
For teachers who worked the academic year 2000-2001:
- If the summer session is worked in the same agency, no additional action is required for 21P and CAL teachers beyond entries on the Time Entry panel.
- If the summer session is worked in a different agency, submit a Concurrent Hire or a Rehire, whichever is appropriate, and appoint the teacher to a summer session position using the Reason of TMO (Three Month).
For newly appointed teachers:
- Submit a Hire, Rehire, or Concurrent Hire, whichever is appropriate, and appoint the teacher to a summer session position using the Reason of TMO (Three Month).
Deduction Processing
For CALs:
- All deductions will continue to be processed for teachers working summer session in the same agency.
- If the CAL employee works summer session in a different agency, the summer session agency must start PEF dues, if the employee has a dues deduction in the regular agency. Agency shop fee will start automatically if the dues deduction is not started.
For 21Ps:
- Dues/agency shop, retirement loans and arrears will continue for teachers working summer session in the same agency. Agencies should not end date these deductions.
- Agencies must start dues or agency shop, retirement loans and arrears deductions for teachers working summer session in a different agency.
- The Department of Civil Service will submit a file to OSC to cancel health insurance.
- Agencies must cancel union insurances and maintenance deductions using an effective date of the first day of the Payroll Period after the end of the employee's contract.
For example: If an Institution cycle employee had a contract end date of June 22, 2001, the agency must use an effective date of June 28, 2001, (the first day of the following pay period after the contract end date).
Direct Deposit
- Direct deposit will continue to be processed for teachers working summer session in the same agency.
- Agencies must start direct deposit for teachers working summer session in a different agency.
Retirement Service Credit
- Teachers that are employed full time during the entire academic year are credited automatically with 12 months ERS retirement service credit. No additional retirement service credit is due for summer session worked.
- For teachers employed part-time or employed only part of the academic year, the agency must report the appropriate retirement service credit for summer session worked directly to ERS using the Form RS-2050. Do not report summer session earnings to ERS. Earnings will be reported automatically. Agencies may call ERS for forms at (518) 474-1080.
Back End Splits
Agencies will have the option of doing back-end splits each pay period or changing the account code at the Position Pool. It is important to note that changing the account code at the position pool impacts all employees in that pool.
Termination of Summer Session Employment
For teachers working summer session, the agency must process the Action of Termination using the Reason of Terminate in the following cases:
- A teacher who works summer session in an agency other than the agency in which the employee worked during the academic year, who is not continuing in the summer session agency in the Fall of 2001, must be terminated at the end of the summer session.
- A teacher who is appointed only for the summer session, and is not continuing in the Fall of 2001, must be terminated at the end of summer session.
- A 21P teacher who works summer session in the same agency and is not continuing in the Fall of 2001 must be terminated at the end of summer session.
- A CAL teacher who will not be continuing in the Fall of 2001 must be terminated effective 9/1/2001.
2001-2002 Academic Year
All procedures for the 2001-2002 academic year will be provided in a future Payroll Bulletin.
Questions regarding deduction inquiries may be directed to the Payroll Deductions mailbox.
Questions regarding hourly rate inquiries may be directed to the Salary Determination mailbox.
Questions all other inquiries may be directed to the Payroll Audit mailbox.