State Agencies Bulletin No. 489

Procedures for Summer Session Payments for Teachers in Bargaining Units 05 and 06
Date Issued
June 29, 2004


To notify agencies of changes to the procedure for processing Summer Session Payments.

Affected Employees

Teachers in BU 05 and BU 06 who are working Summer Session.

Effective Date(s)

Beginning of Summer Session as determined by facility.


OSC has changed the procedure that processes payments to Institution Teachers who work the Summer Session.   This change was made to automate the process.

All Institution Teacher positions will now be set up with an HRY Pay Basis Code. FEE Pay Basis Codes will no longer be used to pay Institution Teachers.

Employee Status

  • Contracts for 21P teachers will end on the last day of the academic year as reported in the employee's Contract Pay page.
  • 21P teachers will remain active in their regular positions, but will not be paid, unless Summer Session is reported.
  • If the teacher is 21P and is not working Summer Session and will not return to work in the Fall of 2004, the agency must process a termination, effective the day after the end of the employee's contract.
  • Calendar ( CAL ) teachers will remain Active in their regular positions and continue to be paid.

Procedure Changes and OSC Actions

  • Effective 7/01/04, OSC will update the Pay Basis Codes for all Institution Teacher positions, including NYS positions, from a FEE Pay Basis Code to an HRYPay Basis Code. The Earnings Programs for these positions will be changed to HRY.
  • OSC has established a new Earn Code to be used on the Time Entry page when CAL or 21P employees are working Summer Session in the same agency, grade, and salary level as their academic service. The Earn Code, SSH (Summer Session Hours), will automatically calculate the hourly rate based on the annual salary effective on the Earnings End Date reported on the Time Entry page.
  • The Earn Code SES has been changed to require the number of hours to be reported in addition to reporting the amount of the earnings. Use the Earn Code SES to report hours for employees who work the Summer Session in the same agencyas their academic employment, but in a different grade and salary level.
  • Teachers who are Hired, Concurrently Hired, or Rehired into a summer teaching title must have a Pay Basis Code of HRY. This includes positions for teachers who were not employed in a teaching title at the end of the academic year as well as those who were employed in teaching titles at the end of the academic year but will work Summer Session in a different agency.

Agency Actions

  • For CAL and 21P employees who work Summer Session at the same grade in the same agency as they perform their academic service, the agency must submit the Earn Code SSH on the Time Entry page to report the number of hours worked. The Earn Code SSH will automatically calculate the hourly rate based on the annual salary effective on the Earns End Date divided by 1736.
  • For CAL and 21P employees who work Summer Session in the same agency but at a different grade and salary level, the agency must submit transactions on the Time Entry page using the Earn Code SES. The number of hours worked and amount of the payment must be submitted. Enter the grade and salary used in the Comment block.
  • CAL or 21P Employees who work Summer Session in an agency other than the agency where they perform their academic service must be Concurrently Hired or Rehired using the Reason Code TMO (Three Month) and appointed into positions with an HRY Pay Basis Code. An hourly rate must be submitted using the Action of Pay Change . Agencies must report RGH in the Time Entry page with the number of hours worked.
  • New employees who have no active service in PayServ must be Hired or Rehired using the Reason Code TMO (Three Month) into positions with an HRY Pay Basis Code. An hourly rate must be submitted using the Action of Pay Change. Agencies must report RGH in the Time Entry page with the number of hours worked.
  • For Institution Teacher positions that are currently filled and have a Pay Basis Code of FEE, OSC will insert a row in the incumbent's record effective 7/01/04 to update the Pay Basis Code to HRY. The agency must submit a Pay Change transaction effective 7/01/04 to enter the HRY rate. All hours worked must then be submitted on the Time Entry page using the Earn Code RGH.

Deduction Payment Information

For Calendar employees (CAL):
  • All deductions will continue to be processed for teachers working Summer Session in the same agency they perform their academic service.
  • If the CAL employee works Summer Session in a different agency, the Summer Session agency must start the PEF dues deduction, provided that the employee has a dues deduction in the regular agency. Agency shop fee will start automatically if the dues deduction is not started.
For 21P employees:
  • Dues/agency shop, retirement loans and arrears will continue for teachers working Summer Session in the same agency. Agencies should not end date these deductions.
  • Agencies must start dues or agency shop, retirement loans and arrears deductions for teachers working Summer Session in a different agency.
  • The Department of Civil Service will submit a file to OSC to cancel health insurance.
  • Agencies must cancel union insurances and maintenance deductions using an effective date of the first day of the pay period immediately following the contract end date.

Direct Deposit

  • Direct deposit will continue to be processed for teachers working Summer Session in the same agency.
  • Agencies must start direct deposit for teachers working Summer Session in a different agency.


For 21P employees:
  • OSC will report service credit days for employees who are members of the New York State Employees Retirement System (Plan Type 7Y) and are in Active, Leave With Pay or Leave With No Pay status.
  • OSC will report salary for the Summer Session to the appropriate retirement system for employees working in the same agency.
  • Agencies are responsible for starting retirement for employees working Summer Session in a different agency in order to have salary reported to the appropriate retirement system.
  • Agencies must complete ERS Form RS2050 to report service credit days in excess of days reported by OSC for part-time employees.
For CAL employees:
  • OSC will report salary for the Summer Session to the appropriate retirement system for employees working in the same agency.
  • Agencies are responsible for starting retirement for employees working Summer Session in a different agency in order to have salary reported to the appropriate retirement system.

Back-End Splits

Agencies will have the option of doing back-end splits each pay period or changing the account code at the Position Pool. It is important to note that changing the account code at the Position Pool impacts all employees in that pool.

Termination of Summer Session Employment

For teachers working Summer Session, the agency must insert a row using the Action/Reason of Term/Term (Termination/Terminate) for the following instances:

  • A teacher who works Summer Session in an agency other than the agency in which the employee worked during the academic year but is not continuing in the Summer Session agency in the Fall of 2004 must be terminated at the end of Summer Session.
  • A teacher who is appointed only for the Summer Session, and is not continuing in the Fall of 2004 must be terminated at the end of Summer Session.
  • A 21P teacher who works Summer Session in the same agency and is not continuing in the Fall of 2004 must be terminated at the end of Summer Session.
  • A CAL teacher who will not be continuing in the Fall of 2004 must be terminated effective 9/1/2004 .

2004-2005 Academic Year

All procedures for the 2004-2005 academic year will be provided in a future payroll bulletin.


Deduction or retirement inquiries may be directed to the Payroll Deductions mailbox.

Hourly rate inquiries may be directed to the Salary Determination mailbox.

For all other inquiries may be directed to the Payroll Audit mailbox.