State Police

Payroll Bulletins (P-Bulletins)

Bulletin # Date Subject Status
No. SP-47 11/13/01 2001 State Police Holiday Bonus Pay
No. SP-46 11/05/01 2001 Uniform Allowance for State Police - Trooper Bargaining Unit 07
No. SP-45 09/24/01 Training Stipends for Fiscal Years 1999-2000, 2000-2001, and 2001-2002
No. SP-44 07/13/01 Dues and Agency Shop Fee Increase for Employees Represented by the New York State Investigators Association
No. SP-43 06/11/01 Education Payment for Employees Represented by the Police Benevolent Association (PBA) and the NYS Police Investigator Association (NYSPIA)
No. SP-42 05/31/01 Permanent Rank Sergeant Payment for Employees Represented by the NYS Police Investigator Association (NYSPIA)
No. SP-41 05/15/01 Equipment Allowance Payment for Employees Represented by the NYS Police Investigators Association (NYSPIA)
No. SP-40 05/11/01 2000 and 2001 Productivity Bonus Payments for Employees Represented by the Police Benevolent Association (PBA)
No. SP-39 04/27/01 Police Benevolent Association Dues/Agency Shop Increase
No. SP-37 04/10/01 April 1, 1999 and April 1, 2000 Salary Increases and Other Increases for Employees Represented by the Police Benevolent Association (PBA)
No. SP-36 04/09/01 Cancellation of General Deductions for Certain Employees who are Inactive or on a Leave of Absence Without Pay
No. SP-35 04/09/01 April 1, 2001 Salary Increase, Other Increases and Lump Sum Payment for Employees Represented by the NYS Police Investigators Association (NYSPIA)