Unified Court System Bulletin No. UCS-341

April 2024 Salary Increase for Judges, Justices, and New York City Court Clerks of the Unified Court System (UCS)
Date Issued
March 19, 2024


The purpose of this bulletin is to inform agencies of OSC’s automatic processing of the April 2024 Salary Increases for Judges, Justices, and New York City Court Clerks of the UCS.

Affected Employees:

Judges, Justices and New York City County Clerks in Bargaining Unit 86 who meet the eligibility criteria are affected.


Chapter 60 of the Laws of 2015, amended in the Laws of 2019 Chapter 59, Part VVV, created the Special Commission on Judicial Compensation to examine, evaluate and make recommendations with respect to the adequate levels of compensation and non-salary benefits for Judges and Justices of the state paid courts of the Unified Court System (UCS). In the Final Report on Judicial Compensation dated 12/04/2023, the Commission has recommended that all NYS Judges receive phased-in salary increases over four fiscal years beginning April 1, 2024.

Chapter 491 of the Laws of 2009 provide County Clerks in the counties comprising the City of New York to receive an annual salary not less than the minimum annual compensation received by a justice of the New York State Supreme Court elected from the same judicial district.

Effective Dates:

CycleEffective DateCheck Date
Administration 1 Current03/28/2024 04/10/2024

Eligibility Criteria:

Judges, Justices, and New York City Court Clerks of the UCS in BU 86 whose Comp Rate Code is LEG with a Payroll Status of Active or Leave with Pay on or after 03/28/2024 are eligible for this salary increase.

OSC Actions:

OSC will process the April 2024 salary increase for Judges and Justices who meet the eligibility criteria as follows:

  • If the Payroll Status is Active or Leave With Pay on 03/28/2024, OSC will insert a row on the Job Data record with an Effective Date of 03/28/2024 using the Action/Reason code of Pay Rate Change/SAC (Mass Salary Increase).
  • If the employee does not meet the eligibility criteria on 03/28/2024 but becomes eligible in Pay Period 1, after the payment effective date, OSC will insert a row on the Job Data record with an Effective Date equal to the date of Hire, Rehire, Position Change, Transfer or Return from Leave action using the Action/Reason code of Pay Rate Change/CSL (Correct Salary).
  • If the employee has subsequent rows in an eligible position, OSC will insert a row on the Job Data record using the Action/Reason code Pay Rate change/CSL (Correct Salary).

The compensation rate on each inserted row will be updated as follows:




Court of Appeals  
Chief Judge$240,800 $265,600 
Associate Judge$233,400 $257,500 
Appellate Division  
Presiding Justice$227,800 $251,300 
Associate Justice$222,200 $245,100 
Appellate Term  
Presiding Justice$220,300 $243,000 
Associate Justice$215,700 $237,900 
Administrative Judges  
Chief Administrative Judge$227,800 $251,300 
Dean of Judicial Institute$222,000 $244,900 
First Deputy Chief Administrative Judge$225,000 $248,200 
DCAJ (NYC)$222,200 $245,100 
DCAJ (outside NYC)$222,200 $245,100 
AJ (in NYC; Judicial District; County)$218,500 $241,000 
Supreme Court  
Justice$210,900 $232,600 
Court of Claims  
Presiding Judge$222,200 $245,100 
Judge$210,900 $232,600 
County Court  
 $210,900 $232,600 
 $202,800 $223,700 
 $200,400 $221,100 
Family Court  
 $210,900 $232,600 
 $200,400 $221,100 
Surrogate's Court  
 $210,900 $232,600 
 $209,600 $231,200 
 $200,500 $221,200 
 $200,400 $221,100 
Civil Court of NYC and Criminal Court of NYC  
Judge of the Civil Court$196,200 $216,400 
Housing Judge of the Civil Court$189,900 $216,400 
Judge of the Criminal Court$196,200 $216,400 
District Court  
Pres., Board of Judge (Nassau)$196,200 $216,400 
Judge (Nassau)$196,200 $216,400 
Pres., Board of Judge (Suffolk)$196,200 $216,400 
Judge (Suffolk)$196,200 $216,400 
City Courts outside NYC  
Chief Judge, City Court$189,900 $216,400 
 City Court Judge 100%$189,900 $216,400 
 City Court Judge 75%$142,400 $162,300 
City Court Judge 50%$95,000 $108,200 
 City Court Judge 25%$47,500 $54,100 
Special City Court Judge 
Holding 2 positions 50% & 25%
$142,500 $162,300 
Special AJSC (Underlying Surrogate)$210,900 $232,600 
minus Tax & Finance Stipend Amount  
$573 $210,327 $232,027 
$740 $210,160 $231,860 
$807 $210,093 $231,793 
$943 $209,957 $231,657 
$1,110 $209,790 $231,490 
$1,300 $209,600 $231,300 
$1,615 $209,285 $230,985 
$1,886 $209,014 $230,714 
$2,125 $208,775 $230,475 
$2,221 $208,679 $230,379 
$3,230 $207,670 $229,370 
$4,251 $206,649 $228,349 
$6,851 $204,049 $225,749 
$1,886 Acting Administrative Judge$216,614 $239,114 
NY County Clerks - Current Cycle Pursuant to County Law, Article 25, Section 908$210,900 $232,600 

Agency Actions:

Agencies must submit a Pay Change on the Job Action Requests page using the appropriate Reason code (see below) to pay the April 2024 salary increase to eligible employees in Agency 05680.

•    Reason code SAC (Mass Salary Increase) – for transaction with an Effective Date equal to 03/28/2024 (Administration)

•    Reason code CSL (Correct Salary) – for transactions with an Effective Date after 03/28/2024 (Administration)

The salary on each inserted row for employees in Agency 05680 is determined using the charts above – See OSC Actions.

Salary Table Update: UCS will provide a chart showing the annual rates that currently exist on the Salary Grades table for Salary Administration Plan UCC and Salary Grade 570 with an effective date equal to 04/04/2019 and the increased annual rates which are effective 03/28/2024.

Position Table Update: UCS will submit a spreadsheet to OSC that contains the increased Approved Salary Rates which will be used to update the Position Information for the impacted employees.

Control-D Reports Available After Processing:

Control-D Report NHRP704 (Mass Salary Increase Report) will be available after processing of the automatic salary increases. This report identifies all Judges and Justices who receive the salary increase and identifies the salaries that were automatically increased.


Questions regarding this bulletin may be directed to the Payroll Earnings mailbox.