Chart of Accounts

Control-D Report

Report NamePosting FrequencyDescription of Report
NHRP707Weekly - ThursdayPayroll Employee Expenditure Charge Register. Reflects use of Chartfield values and valid combination strings to provide payroll expenditure data to agencies. This report replaced the NHRP712, NHRP721, NHRP726 and NHRP727.

Interface File Layouts

Job Aids


  • No. 2238 – Updating PayServ Chartfield Strings for June Lapsing Events.
  • No. CU-787 – New York State Payroll System (PayServ) – CUNY Fiscal Year End (FYE) Rollover of Position Pool Chart of Accounts
  • No. SU-358 – New York State Payroll System (PayServ) – SUNY Fiscal Year End (FYE) Rollover of Position Pool Chart of Accounts
  • No. 2203 - New York State Payroll System (PayServ) Fiscal Year End – Rollover of Position Pool Chart of Accounts.

Things to Know

Daily Error Report

The daily error report is received by the Payroll Systems Support team. When agency Position Pools appear on this report, Payroll will reach out to the agency with the specific error that needs to be addressed. If you receive an email for a Position Pool with one of these errors, please see below guidance on action to take. If there are positions or incumbents tied to the pool it will need to be updated as soon as possible as it may impact the upcoming check 

Common Errors and How to Fix Them:

Active Pool without Dept Budget Earnings  The Position Pool was set up on the Position Pool table but not on the Department Budget Earnings table. To fix this error funding will need to be added to the Department Budget Earnings table. See the Add Chartfield Strings for a New Position Pool ID document in the Job Aids section.

Pool Inactive in Dept Budget – When receiving this error, it means that the Position Pool is Active on the Position Pool table but is inactive on the Department Budget Earnings table. To fix this error you can take one of two actions. The agency will need to either move any active positions tied to the inactive pool to a different, active pool that has valid funding assigned or update the status on the Department Budget Earnings table so that the pool is active. If the positions are moved to a new pool, then the old pool should also be inactivated on the Position Pool Table. When activating the pool on the Department Budget Earnings table, the agency will also need to validate that the funding string is valid. Please refer to the Review & Modify Chartfield Strings on the Department Budget table document in the Job Aids section.

Inactive Pool Active in Dept Budget – In this case, the Position Pool is inactive on the Position Pool table but is active on the Department Budget Earnings table. To fix this error you will need to either activate the Position Pool on the Position Pool table or inactivate the pool on the Department Budget Earnings table. If the pool is inactivated on the Department Budget Earnings table, you will need to move any positions associated with that pool, to a new pool with valid funding. Refer to the Review & Modify Existing Position Pools or Review & Modify Chartfield Strings on the Department Budget table documents in the Job Aid Section.

Project Dates out of Bounds – This error occurs when the designated end date for a project has passed. To fix this error you will need to either extend the project dates for the Position Pool or if the project cannot be extended the positions (if any) will need to be moved to a pool with valid funding.

Fiscal Year End Processing

Each April a new New York State budget is signed into law in coordination with the closing of the previous fiscal year and beginning of the new fiscal year on April 1st. Annually, Fiscal Year End processing impacts the first two checks of April. All agencies excluding SUNY (with the exception of Agency Code 28990) and CUNY are impacted. For these checks the payroll period is split between the old and new fiscal years depending on how the dates fall on a calendar. During this time, PayServ updates are required to ensure all accounting charges are applied to the correct budget year.

To correctly calculate the charges for the split payroll for the old Fiscal Year ending and the new Fiscal Year beginning, the PayServ position pool chart of accounts must be updated to reflect the new budget references where $0 appropriations have been created by the Bureau of State Accounting Operations. 

OSC Payroll begins Fiscal Year End processing in late March. It is important that agencies refer to the New York State Payroll System (PayServ) Fiscal Year End – Rollover of Position Pool Chart of Accounts bulletin issued annually in February to review and update the list of Department Budget Table USA rows for position pools tied to their agency that will not automatically rollover to the new budget reference. It is important that any changes are made prior to the deadline stated in the bulletin and that additional changes are not made until after the first two checks of April are confirmed.  NHRP521 back-end splits are also not processed during the SFS Fiscal Year End.

SUNY & CUNY Fiscal Year End

Unlike other agencies, SUNY and CUNY’s Fiscal Year End falls in July rather than April. July Fiscal Year End impacts only SUNY and CUNY departments in the first two checks of July. For these checks the payroll period is split between the old and new fiscal years depending on how the dates fall on a calendar. During this time, PayServ updates are required to ensure all accounting charges are applied to the correct budget year.

In order to correctly calculate the charges for the split payroll between the old and new fiscal years, the PayServ chart of accounts must be updated to reflect the new budget references where appropriations and segregations have been created by the Bureau of State Accounting Operations.  It is important that agencies refer to the New York State Payroll System (PayServ) – CUNY Fiscal Year End (FYE) Rollover of Position Pool Chart of Accounts and New York State Payroll System (PayServ) – SUNY Fiscal Year End (FYE) Rollover of Position Pool Chart of Accounts bulletins issued annually to review and update the list of Department Budget Table USA rows for position pools tied to their agency that will not automatically rollover to the new budget reference.



As a result of April Fiscal Year End processing, many position pools will lapse each year on June 30th after the carryout period has passed. Agencies with appropriations due to lapse on that date are impacted. Agencies will have to ensure that any position pools outlined in the Updating PayServ Chartfield Strings for June Lapsing Events are updated with valid chartfield strings. Agencies will need to reference the bulletins for dates in late June and early July when changes are not allowed.


Like June Lapsing, additional position pools lapse on September 15th or 30th each year as a result of the July Fiscal Year End. Agencies are notified which position pools will be lapsing and no longer available for use in PayServ in bulletin SFS Chartfield Strings in PayServ with September Lapse Dates as well as the deadline to update lapsing position


  • Click here for answers to frequently asked questions about the PayServ Chart of Account conversion.
  • For any additional questions regarding Charts of Accounts or setting up Position Pools, please email [email protected]