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Annual Update: Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s Debt Profile, April 2022

Despite unprecedented federal aid, the MTA is still faced with determining how it will close its budget gaps in the future. If riders do not return faster than the MTA projects, or if new sources of revenue are not found, rising debt payments could force the MTA to close future budget gaps through service cuts, greater than planned fare hikes, or delays to critical capital projects.

Inflation in the New York City Metropolitan Area, April 2022

Accelerating consumer price increases beginning in the spring of 2021 have led to the highest inflation rate in 30 years in the New York City Metropolitan Area. Consumer spending habits have already shifted, and persistent inflation on essential household items, such as housing and food, will limit purchasing power and squeeze household budgets absent stronger wage growth.

Despite Progress, Pay Gap for Women Persists, March 2022

Median earnings for full-time working women in New York were 86 cents for every dollar earned by men in 2019, an annual wage gap of $8,821, as reported by the U.S. Census Bureau. While New York women earn more dollars relative to men than in most other states, women's median earnings continue to lag across occupational groups and other categories.

2021 Wall Street Bonuses, March 2022

The average bonus paid to employees in New York City’s securities industry for 2021 grew to $257,500, a 20% jump over the previous year’s record high. The estimated bonuses paid out on Wall Street are higher than the city’s most recent 15.7% growth projection, and should help the city exceed its expected revenue from income taxes.

Review of the Financial Plan of the City of New York, March 2022

The February Plan benefits from New York City’s continued economic resilience in 2021 and includes more proactive planning to fund budget risks and generate savings. The City is expecting to generate a surplus of $3.7 billion in fiscal year 2022 due to federal aid, better-than-projected tax revenues, and planned savings. The surplus could reach at least $4.5 billion if revenue and spending remain on their current tracks.

State Contracts by the Numbers, Calendar Year 2020

The Office of the State Comptroller received 16,356 contract transactions, including both new contracts and contract amendments, valued at $235 billion in the calendar year 2020. The average time from agency contract submission to final sign-off was 5.8 days.

New York’s Balance of Payments in the Federal Budget - Federal Fiscal Year 2020

Historic relief funds from the federal government, provided in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, boosted New York’s per capita balance of payments from Washington from second-to-last in federal fiscal year 2019 to 40th in 2020. During this period, New York received $1.59 for every tax dollar paid to Washington, an increase from 91 cents from the prior year, but still below the national average of $1.92.