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New York City Industry Sector Dashboards

Construction Sector

From the iconic buildings that comprise New York City’s famous skyline to its massive transit system and infrastructure, the construction sector is a vital element to keep the City’s economy running.

Local Sales Tax Collections Up 19% in 2021

Local government sales tax collections totaling $19.6 billion increased by 19.1%, or $3.1 billion, in 2021 compared to last year. This was the highest annual increase on record after a historic low in 2020 when local sales tax collections declined by 10%. Annual growth in 2019 was 4.7%.

Regional Table [.xlsx]

New York State Fiscal Year 2022-23 Executive Budget Review

Although the Division of the Budget forecasts in the State Fiscal Year 2022-23 Executive Budget that the budget will remain in balance for the next five years, the direction of the pandemic, inflation, and supply chain issues all remain risks to the state’s economic recovery and financial plan. The budget also proposes billions of dollars in spending that would bypass critical oversight if enacted.

Identifying Fiscal Cliffs in New York City’s Financial Plan

New York City’s published financial plan includes funding for some recurring spending initiatives for only a limited period, creating additional risks to already identified budget gaps. The Office of the State Comptroller has created a tool to identify sources and uses of funds for City programs that are not fully funded during the remaining years of the City’s financial plan, through Fiscal Year 2025

Impact of the Pandemic on New York City’s Municipal Workforce, February 2022

The City experienced significant growth in its fulltime workforce in the years prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, much of which was driven by new or expanded services. The pandemic, and the City’s efforts to manage the budgetary implications of its impact, have led to a decline in staffing which has undone much of this growth.

The New York State Dedicated Highway and Bridge Trust Fund: At a Crossroads, January 2022

While the Dedicated Highway and Bridge Trust Fund was intended to provide a reliable, dedicated stream of funding for the State’s transportation projects, it long ago ceased to serve this purpose and is now largely devoted to repaying past borrowings and supporting current operating costs. As a result, vital highway and bridge projects are at increased risk because the State continues to use these limited resources primarily for purposes other than financing current capital projects.

Locally Owned Roads by the Numbers

This report profiles local government spending on roads. It also looks at the aid that local governments receive from the State and the federal government for road-related purposes. Lastly, the report examines data availability related to the condition of locally owned roads, the risks of flooding and other climate events, and the financial needs for road maintenance and improvement.