Budget & Finances

Investment and Funding Choices Facing the MTA, June 2024

With the loss of $15 billion in congestion pricing revenue, the MTA has to reprioritize its 2020-2024 Capital Program. This report identifies over $21 billion in projects that potentially relied on congestion pricing revenue and are under review and suggests the Authority prioritize keeping the system in a state of good repair.

New York State Agency Use of Overtime and State Workforce Trends, 2014 – 2023

New York State agency overtime costs in 2023 were $1.2 billion, down 11.6% from 2022, marking the first decrease in total overtime earnings since 2016. This decrease was led by three of the five largest users of overtime and was further reduced by other agencies, whose role in responding to the pandemic waned in 2023. In 2023, overtime as a share of payroll was at its second highest rate since 2007.

Review of the Financial Plan of the City of New York, May 2024

Higher-than-projected revenue and cost-saving initiatives have helped New York City’s fiscal year (FY) 2024 budget generate a projected year-end surplus of $3.9 billion that will be used to prepay expenses for the next fiscal year, helping the City balance its FY 2025 executive budget. While some of the fiscal challenges facing the City are not in its direct control, including the continued influx of asylum seekers, preparation and transparency remain paramount to navigating future uncertainty.

Performance of Industrial Development Agencies in New York State – 2024 Annual Report

This report summarizes data for fiscal year 2022, the most recent data reported by IDAs through the Public Authorities Reporting Information System. The report also contains a brief discussion of local development corporations, a related type of local authority. For regional and IDA-level summary data, see our Interactive Map.

Enacted Budget Report: State Fiscal Year 2024-25

The estimated $237 billion Enacted Budget for State Fiscal Year 2024-25 increases spending for vital state services like Medicaid and school aid and includes new funding and policy changes to spur the creation of much needed housing, but the State’s financial outlook includes several risks. At the State level, certain revenue streams that have been critical to maintaining budget balance are either scheduled to expire or be depleted in the years ahead, meaning current spending levels will be difficult to sustain.

Annual Update: Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s Debt Profile, May 2024

The MTA’s capital program for maintaining and upgrading the regional transit system faces significant delays due to potential funding shortfalls caused by the late implementation of congestion pricing. The MTA should explain how it intends to prioritize its needs so that its choices do not result in disinvestment in the system, noting that bringing riders back would be one of the most direct routes for the MTA to reduce its debt burden over the long term.

2024 Update on New York City Staffing Trends

New York City’s full-time government workforce is expected to increase for the first-time year-over-year since the COVID-19 pandemic. However, high turnover and vacancy rates exist at several City agencies. The City should continue efforts to increase and expedite hiring where needed to ensure critical agencies and departments can meet demands and provide quality services to residents.

New York’s Balance of Payments in the Federal Budget - Federal Fiscal Year 2022, April 2024

Historic federal pandemic relief funds, though being spent down, continued to boost New York’s balance of payments in Federal Fiscal Year 2022. For every dollar New York sent to the federal government in tax receipts, it received $1.06 back in federal spending, as compared to a national average of $1.28, ranking New York 39 out of 45 states with a positive balance of payments. This report is the eighth in a series by the Office of the State Comptroller that examines the flow of funds between the federal government and the states.

A Review of NYC Capital Project Delivery, April 2024

The majority of New York City’s capital projects are over their initial budgets and behind schedule, suggesting better monitoring and reporting could lead to adjustments to improve capital project delivery. Recent reforms to the City’s capital planning process have focused on improving the delivery of projects, but little detail is available in public documentation about what is fueling these cost and schedule overruns. With closer, more uniform monitoring of capital projects, the City can better identify where additional improvement is needed.

The Importance of Responsible Debt Management

In the throes of the economic uncertainty and fiscal turbulence caused by the COVID crisis, legislation was enacted as part of the SFY 2021-22 budget authorizing the use of State-supported bonding with final maturities up to 50 years for capital purposes for the Metropolitan Transportation Authority. This legislation has been reauthorized and proposed again in the State Fiscal Year 2024-25 Executive Budget.