Budget & Finances

Bet on the Farm: Farmland Protection as a Strategy for Economic Growth and Renewal, October 2010

New York State's Farmland Protection Program was created in 1992 to preserve high quality working farmland and to reduce pressures on farm families to sell their lands and leave the farming industry. Counties and towns receive financial support from the program to develop farmland protection plans and to purchase development rights on farmland.

New York State’s Environmental Protection Fund: A Financial History, March 2018

This year marks the 25th anniversary of the legislation that created New York State’s Environmental Protection Fund (EPF) – a development well worth noting. The Fund is one of the State’s most important vehicles for making capital investments to preserve open space, protect water quality, and improve parks and waterfronts all across New York.

Implications for New York State of a Federal Government Shutdown, April 2011

The federal government has been operating under Continuing Resolutions since the start of the new federal fiscal year that began October 1, 2010. Despite ongoing efforts between the President and Congress to reach agreement on a federal budget, taxpayers face the threat of the first federal government shutdown since 1996.

Debt Impact Study, January 2008

Debt is an essential financing tool for State and local governments. The infrastructure citizens rely on—roads, bridges, schools, hospitals, universities, housing and mass transit—is made possible through the issuance of debt.

Debt Impact Study, March 2010

New York State has relied far too heavily on debt for far too long. Ten years after enacting legislation to slow the growth in borrowing and end the use of debt for fiscal gimmicks, New York continues to rely heavily on debt. A

Strengthening New York's Infrastructure: Spending Trends and Planning Challenges, August 2019

On any given day, millions of New Yorkers ride the subway or drive on public roads; public school buildings and facilities on college campuses open their doors to students across the State; essential services are provided at water plants, other environmental facilities and in homes for developmentally disabled individuals and psychiatric centers; individuals reside in publicly-supported housing; and citizens enjoy the outdoors at public parks.