
The Role of Small Business in New York State’s Economy, September 2010

By any measure, New York’s economy depends heavily on small businesses. Using the definition established by the federal Small Business Administration (SBA)—any firm with fewer than 500 employees—small businesses account for more than half of all private sector jobs and the vast majority of the private sector firms in New York.

The New York State DREAM Act, May 2013

More than a decade ago, New York became the fourth state in the nation to extend in-state college tuition rates to undocumented immigrant students. Today, approximately 8,300 such students attend public institutions of higher education throughout New York.

Employment Trends in New York State, August 2013

New York State’s economy, like that of the nation, has taken a roller coaster ride since the start of the 21st century. The national recession of 2001 and its aftermath hit the Empire State with job losses proportionally larger than those in most states. Following more than five years of steady recovery from the 2001 downturn, New York was again hit hard by the Great Recession – losing more than 300,000 jobs in 2008 and 2009.

Update: The NY DREAM Act, January 2014

More than a decade ago, New York became the fourth state in the nation to extend in-state college tuition rates to undocumented immigrant students. Today, approximately 8,300 such students attend public institutions of higher education throughout New York.
