
Three Years of the Tax Cap – Impact on School Districts, February 2015

The number of school districts overriding the tax cap has declined each year. In general, school districts’ decisions to override the tax cap were based, at least in part, on necessity. When examining the relationship between fiscal stress and tax cap overrides, we found that fiscally stressed school districts were nearly three times more likely to override the tax cap when compared to school districts that were not designated as stressed.

New York State School Aid: Two Perspectives, March 2016

This report examines the recent history of school aid, highlighting the opportunities and challenges presented by this year’s budget. The first section looks at aid from the school district perspective, followed by a discussion in the context of New York’s overall budget.

Education in New York: Nine Regional Snapshots Outside New York City, February 2017

New York State requires school districts to report extensive data on their finances, student demographics and outcomes, teachers, school facilities, school climate and other factors. This report offers a regional perspective on some of this data. Looking at the results this way highlights geographic variation in these indicators.  

Interactive Map | Technical Appendix [pdf]

New York State School Safety: A Statewide and Regional Review, August 2019

Parents, educators, the public and State policymakers agree that student safety must be a top priority in every school. This report summarizes some of the information reported by New York’s public school districts on violent and disruptive incidents and expenditures on school building security materials and equipment, and includes a series of regional profiles.

Special Report Update: Education Revenues and Expenditures With a Highlight on Special Education For Regions Outside New York City, March 2020

New York’s school districts are responsible for one of the most important functions of government – educating children from kindergarten through 12th grade. Each district must navigate a complex set of State rules and local needs and determine how to fund its programs using a mix of local property taxes and State and federal aid sources. This report provides regional analysis of certain financial and demographic data for New York’s school districts outside of New York City.

2014 Annual Report on Preschool Special Education Audit Initiative

As of December 2014, OSC has completed 40 audits of expenses submitted to SED by preschool and/or school age special education providers over the last decade. These audits have cumulatively identified almost $42 million in disallowances, or 7.6 percent of the total claimed expenses of $544 million for the audit period.