Federal Issues

New York’s Balance of Payments in the Federal Budget - Federal Fiscal Year 2017, October 2018

In 2009 and 2010, President Obama and Congress enacted two major laws—the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, and the Affordable Care Act—that provided significant new funding to help New York and other states provide essential services to the people.

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Implications for New York State of a Federal Government Shutdown, April 2011

The federal government has been operating under Continuing Resolutions since the start of the new federal fiscal year that began October 1, 2010. Despite ongoing efforts between the President and Congress to reach agreement on a federal budget, taxpayers face the threat of the first federal government shutdown since 1996.

New York’s Balance of Payments in the Federal Budget - Federal Fiscal Year 2018, January 2020

New York’s Alexander Hamilton played a central role among our nation’s Founders, as the Broadway musical bearing his name reminds us. One of the questions Hamilton analyzed as he sought to build support for a stronger central government was the potential for “inequality among the States” in paying federal taxes. Well over two centuries later, that issue remains a national concern.

New York’s Balance of Payments in the Federal Budget – Federal Fiscal Year 2019, November 2020

In Federal Fiscal Year 2019, New York State generated $23.7 billion more in federal taxes than it received in federal spending. In total dollars, New York’s deficit was the highest among the 50 states. For every tax dollar paid to Washington, our State received 91 cents in return—well below the national average of $1.24.

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