Public Authorities

Performance of Industrial Development Agencies in New York State – 2024 Annual Report

This report summarizes data for fiscal year 2022, the most recent data reported by IDAs through the Public Authorities Reporting Information System. The report also contains a brief discussion of local development corporations, a related type of local authority. For regional and IDA-level summary data, see our Interactive Map.

The Importance of Responsible Debt Management

In the throes of the economic uncertainty and fiscal turbulence caused by the COVID crisis, legislation was enacted as part of the SFY 2021-22 budget authorizing the use of State-supported bonding with final maturities up to 50 years for capital purposes for the Metropolitan Transportation Authority. This legislation has been reauthorized and proposed again in the State Fiscal Year 2024-25 Executive Budget.

Audits of State Agencies and Public Authorities: Five-Year Listing (October 1, 2017 – September 30, 2022), January 2024

This listing includes all final audit reports related to State agency and public authority operations issued during the five-year period from October 1, 2017 through September 30, 2022, and is a companion to the 2022–2023 Annual Report on Audits.

Financial Outlook for the Metropolitan Transportation Authority

In a turnaround from the fiscal crisis it faced a year ago, the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) today stands on firmer financial ground, largely because the State budget provided dedicated sources of revenue to close projected budget gaps. With this improved financial picture, the burden is now on the MTA to improve the region’s transit system and win riders back, while keeping its budget balanced.

Performance of Industrial Development Agencies in New York State – 2023 Annual Report

This report summarizes data for fiscal year 2021, the most recent data reported by IDAs through the Public Authorities Reporting Information System. The report also contains a brief discussion of local development corporations, a related type of local authority. For IDA-level summary data, see our Interactive Map.

Assessment of New York State Thruway Authority Finances and Proposed Toll Increase

Last year the New York State Thruway Authority proposed a multi-year schedule of toll increases to begin in 2024. This report provides a summary of the Thruway Authority’s current and forecasted revenue and expenses, factors that have impacted its finances over the past several years, the toll increase proposal, and considerations to help guide the assessment of the proposal.

Audits of State Agencies and Public Authorities: Five-Year Listing (October 1, 2015 – September 30, 2020), January 2022

This listing includes all final audit reports related to State agency and public authority operations issued during the five-year period from October 1, 2015 through September 30, 2020, and is a companion to the 2020–2021 Annual Report on Audits.