New York City

Issues Facing New York City's Agencies: New York City Housing Authority

NYCHA, like many landlords nationally, faced a significant decline in rent collections due to severe economic disruption and employment losses experienced as a result of the pandemic. The Authority has also seen increased delays in resolution times for non-emergency service requests, resulting from changes to work order guidelines on in-unit repairs during the pandemic.

Issues Facing New York City’s Agencies: Department of Homeless Services

Before the pandemic, the shelter population had been growing at a somewhat steady rate, peaking at 61,110 people in January 2019. Since February 2020, just before the start of the pandemic, however, those numbers had been on the decline, before rising slightly in recent months. The decline was due in part to the federal and state eviction moratoriums that were issued during the pandemic.

Issues Facing New York City’s Agencies: Human Resources Administration

Prior to the pandemic, enrollment in the City’s cash assistance program had been on the decline, reaching a record-low level of 325,000 people in March 2020. Enrollment then grew sharply, by about 20 percent between February 2020 and September 2020, when the caseload peaked at 391,432 people, before beginning to decline. However, since September 2021, after federal extended unemployment benefits came to an end, enrollment has risen again

Issues Facing New York City's Agencies: New York City Health + Hospitals

New York City Health + Hospitals initially experienced some challenges with staffing and supply shortages and capacity limitations. As the pandemic unfolded, the agency assumed a significant role in planning for and responding to New York City’s public health emergency, launched the largest test and trace program in the country and implemented a vaccine program. The agency managed financially early in the pandemic due to the receipt of federal COVID-19 relief funding but, with the rise of new variants and subsequent increase in hospitalizations, costs continue to grow.

Issues Facing New York City's Agencies: Department of Health and Mental Hygiene

The pandemic impacted the delivery of some core public health services as agency resources were shifted to the COVID-19 response and fewer people sought health care. Responding to the mental health needs of people impacted by the pandemic, the Mayor launched Mental Health for All, a comprehensive website and public education campaign that coordinates mental health resources across City agencies, including the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.

Issues Facing New York City's Agencies: City of New York

The pandemic has disrupted the provision of services to students and precipitated declines in enrollment at CUNY, as in most education systems. CUNY received more than $1.5 billion in federal aid across three federal relief packages to mitigate the impacts of the pandemic, including a minimum of $634 million which must be provided directly to students. Only $386 million of the total remains to be allocated in fiscal years 2022 and 2023.

Issues Facing New York City's Agencies: New York City Department of Education

Extraordinary emergency federal aid eliminated the most serious potential fiscal impacts of the pandemic. However, school closures, the necessary integration of remote learning, and the inability to provide in-person supplemental services to students have disrupted two consecutive school years, with significant negative impacts on student learning outcomes.

Review of the Financial Plan of the City of New York, May 2022

New York City’s FY 2023 Budget and April Financial Plan shows the city has benefited from stronger-than-anticipated tax collections, outsized federal grant revenue from relief programs, savings in pension contributions from extraordinary asset gains in FY 2021, and announced additional savings programs, including significant vacancy reductions. However, better-than-projected fiscal performance may be short-lived amid inflation, geopolitical tension and supply chain issues.

New York City’s Uneven Recovery: An Analysis of Labor Force Trends

New York City lags the rest of the State and the nation in restoring pandemic job losses and in rebounding to pre-pandemic levels of unemployment. The recovery has also been uneven, with high-wage economic sectors generally faring better than low-wage sectors. This report aims to understand the main differences in labor force participation among the City’s workers and the reasons for the City’s slow recovery when compared to rest of the State and the nation.

Recent Trends and Impact of COVID-19 in Brooklyn, May 2022

From 2010 to 2020, Brooklyn experienced substantial economic growth, with employment and business growth rates outpacing the rest of New York City. However, the pandemic halted its economic progress and exacerbated existing inequalities in the borough. Brooklyn’s economy is showing signs of recovering to pre-pandemic levels, but City and State officials will need to collaborate with community leaders to ensure an equitable recovery.